Saturday, November 29, 2014

Our Little Yule Cats

Just thought I'd share a couple of snapshots with everyone of the kitties enjoying both the Yule tree and their comfy, cozy home ...
Mr. Midnight

Kiki grabbing a catnap with daddy on the couch

And, of course as usual, I had to use one of the cat's pics for our seasonal Yule/holiday cards. This year's photo is of Tabitha and Haley just chillin' underneath the tree.  :-)

Friday, November 28, 2014

Food for Thought Friday

Happy Friday everyone ... and here is just a little something to get your weekend started! Enjoy all!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A day to be thankful because ...

While today officially marked the Thanksgiving holiday, for our family, it holds so much more meaning than just gathering together for a family dinner. With my father's constant and very serious day to day health concerns these days since he has grown so much older, we feel extremely thankful for the blessing that he is still in our lives ... not just today, but every single day!

While my mother, brother, hubby and I had a very nice home-cooked family-style meal at a local restaurant called, "The Heidelberg," my father, who was planning on joining us, told us all that he was not feeling well enough to travel today. And so, we brought the dinner back home to him ~ complete with all the fixings ... ham & turkey slices, potatoe filling, corn, peas, gravy, and buns, etc.  

You see, for me it has never been about the dinner itself that meant all that much, but being surrounded by family. For without them, the holiday is merely just a word ... the name of another holiday amongst many others which we celebrate. 

And so, my dear friends, this is one of the many things which I am thankful for .. today and every day!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TWL's Throwback Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving!

Greetings everyone! With the up-coming holidays keeping all of us so very busy, I decided to post the week's 'Throwback Thursday' a little early and because this time of the year, more than any other it seems, it's all about appreciating the family and friends we love so much. It's about being thankful for those special moments spent with all of the special people in our lives. It's about feeling blessed.

My family and friends ~ Then and Now ... 

My mom & dad


Me 'n' my brother, Kerry




My sister and "twin soul" Rhiannon ...

and her son, Page ...

Good to know that some things never change ~ LOL!


Monday, November 24, 2014

Anyone remember these?

Does anyone out there remember these? My great aunt used to teach classes in ceramics in her home many, many years ago before she passed away. She lived a block down the road from us and my mother once asked me if I were interested in taking her classes. However, at the time I was already heavily involved with both a Drum and Twirling Corp. and school band front, and so I told her no.

Well, looking back I so wish now that I had taken those classes to learn how to make these ceramic beauties because as it now turns out it has sadly become a dying art.

The other day, there was a vender/craft faire held where I work. I happened to find these lovely little holiday plates which were handmade by a co-worker and her mother ...

Valentine's Day/Imbolc

Ostara/Spring Equinox

Beltane & Midsummer/Summer Solstice


 Yule/Winter Solstice

And a pretty plate for my nautical bathroom

My hubby's aunt also used to make ceramic decorations. In fact, the orange pumpkin shown above is one she had made for our family reunion the year of our wedding. It has the date inscribed on the bottom if it and was a memorable gift given to us for our wedding by my sister Robin and hubby's brother.  Very special!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Black Friday came early this year!

Okay, so my usual plans to decorate for Yule came a bit early this year!  LOL! With this coming week's contemparary Thanksgiving holiday, I (along with so many others) have both that day and the day after ("Black Friday") off from work. And so I decided to take the entire week off with Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday being my last vacation days. After all, it only made sense since Fall has always been my favorite time of the year anyhow.

My plans? Well, other than a family dinner with the folks on Thanksgiving, I would like to just chill out and perhaps do "whatever." One of those things was to bring out my Yule/Winter decorations and that I did  ~ yesterday afternoon ...

 Cat-approved Yule Tree

My handmade Yule wreath #1

My handmade  Yule wreath #2

And finally a few more pics of the tree ...

For me, the Yule Tree has always held a very special place in my heart as every year for as long as I can remember, I have made sure to trim it wth only personal decorations. Everything on my tree has a special meaning from the engraved names on the ornaments to the ones which were either handed down from previous generations and/or given as personal gifts.  

Brightest Blessings and enjoy the day!
