Wednesday, December 31, 2014


 =^..^=     =^..^=     =^..^=     =^..^=     =^..^=     =^..^=   

 As for a New Year's resolution ...  

Sunday, December 28, 2014

My Home Town

For as long as I can remember, my hubby has wanted us to move away from our home town of Reading, PA. I have lived here my entire life ~ and no where else. My main reasons have and still are the very same ~ my home is where my family is, my job and my very closest life-time friends are.

Sadly; however, it is getting more and more difficult to stay. According to a 2012 Huffington Post report, and I personally know this to be so as I can see this truth all around us in our town of Reading, we are the poorest city for our population in the country!

That being said, I would like to share with you all a few more reasons why I so wish to stay ...

**The Reading Pagoda**

** The Witch's Hat Pavilion **

The pavilion was built in 1892 in honor of William McIlvain, an avid hiker who often stopped to rest at that spot on the mountain. A plaque affixed to one of the walls pays homage to its history.

Over the years, the brownstone structure became known as the Witch's Hat because of its cone-shaped roof.

** Stokesay Castle **

Inspired by a 13th century English castle by the same name, Stokesay Castle was once the summer home of the Hiester Family. Mr. Hiester spared no expense when it came to the 10 acre property. Local building materials and craftsmen were used, and great care was exercised in duplication hand-carved beams, and leaded windows. Thankfully, Jack Gulati had fond memories of Stokesay Castle and rescued it in March of 2009, from almost certain deprecation. Mr. Gulati dedicated millions to the restoration of the Castle, Ballroom and surrounding grounds. Upgrading much of the plumbing, electric and other amenities have left Stokesay in a memorable, yet modernized state. The vaulted cathedral ceilings still loom over the Lord's Dining Room, only now there is a view into Stokesay Castle's newest addition, The Knight's Pub.

A pic from our wedding album posing in front of Stokesay Castle ~ 2001

** Greisemer's Mill Bridge **

Built in 1868, "Greisemer's Mill Bridge" is a historic wooden covered bridge located in Oley Township in Berks County, Pennsylvania. It is a 124-foot-long, Burr Truss bridge, constructed in 1868. It has a gable roof and stone abutments. It crosses the Manatawny Creek. It is one of five covered bridges remaining in Berks County. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981.

A commemorative pin from the 2007 Skate America held in Reading, PA. My mother, my MIL and I attended this event at "The Sovereign Center" ~ downtown Reading. It was so memorable as not only were we able to spend a fun afternoon together, but it was so cool to see all of the International Skaters just walking around the hallways ... Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Canadian, Korean .
Some pics I had taken from our seats ...

 The awesome Chinese Pair team of Pang & Tong!

 U.S. Men's 2010 Olympic Gold Medalist Evan Lysacek

 U.S. Women's Olympian Kimmie Meissner 

                    Aerial view of Reading, PA ~ City Lights

 And finally, this is the scene of Reading, PA I will always remember growing up as a child. We lived on a hill and I saw these beautiful lights which lit up the city every night. Always loved it!

"Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life." - John Updike 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Additions ...

Happy weekend everyone! Just wanted to share a couple of things with you all. First, is the beautiful Yule/Christmas gift I received from Miss Judy who has been a very dear friend of mine for several years now and she also happens to be one of the few people I would ever trust to cat-sit our furr babies at any given time. She knows how much I absolutely adore mermaids, and she bought me this gorgeous mermaid chime from Sunset Vista Designs Co., Inc. for my nautical bathroom ...

Four of  my dear friend "Miss Judy's" furr babies posing for a cool Christmas pic with Santa Paws ~ "Acey" (female Black Lab), "Rocky" (male orange Tabby cat on Santa's lap), "Punkin' (female Beagle), & "Miss Sadie" (Basset Hound ... also my god-doggie)

And (*clearing my throat a bit*), it would appear that hubby has found a "new" friend (or two) hanging around our backyard. Yes, you guessed it my friends, another homeless kitty-cat which he has been routinely feeding for the past three weeks or so.

Now, since there is currently no available "room at our Inn," we have decided to, for the time being anyway, purchase a heated cat house for this poor little fellow to help him (or her for that matter) keep warm as well. 

In fact, we had actaully found an Outdoor Heated Cat House on-line in the $70 and up price range which just may be financially "do-able" for us at this time ...


 It has both a front and a back doorway in and out so that the cat will not get cornered, trapped or even attacked by another wild animal (i.e. skunk, another cat, etc.).


Ah yes, it is as if we had a huge sign hanging out on the front window of our house which reads ...

Oh well, call me crazy but if I had the means to do so, I would buy acres and acres of land and set up several cat houses as a sancutary for every homeless cat in the world. But, that's just me! LOL!

Friday, December 26, 2014

We Are Family

Well,  the Christmas holiday is over for yet another year, but it was; however, a very special one for us! We started off our day by exchanging gifts at my parents house, then headed off to spend a couple hours enjoying some family time with my dad at the rehab center ...

Me & hubby

 Dad opening up his presents ...

Posing with my bro Kerry

Afterwards, we spent the rest of the evening with my hubby's folks at their house ...

Tulip and my MIL

 Hubby's dad, "Pop" with his gifts

When we arrived home, the kitties were finally able to open up their things ...

"Okay, we're ready. Can we pleeeease open up our presents from Santa Paws now?"

"Hmm, what do we have here guys? A few bags of yummy Greenie treats and some cool cat toys..."
"Mine, mine, all mine!"

Kiki, Tabitha 'n' Mr. Midnight

 I hope you all had a very wonderful time on your Christmas as well! Brightest Blessings all!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Seasons Blessings!!

(Thank you, Draco for allowing me to use your beautiful pic for this post!)

Greetings and salutations, my dear friends! Tonight, I must still finish wrapping some last minute gifts and such. And, since my dad is still currently in rehab, we will all be spending most of the day with him exchanging gifts and celebrating there for a bit. But, no matter just as long as we are all still able to be together as a family, that is all that is important. Then afterwards, we will head on over to spend some family time with hubby's folks.

Anyhow, I just wanted to wish everyone and their families all the blessings of the season ~ however you happen to celebrate the holiday! 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Ho Ho, Here we go!

Ah yes, I work only one block away from a major mall in an area where there happens to be far more buisnesses than homes ~ and every single year it amazes me how many folks decide it is a good idea to wait until the last minute to do their Christmas shopping. Even with a lot of people ordering their things on-line these days, it does not seem to make much of a difference around here. Well that, and the fact that so many people are also either on vacation for the Christmas holiday or do not have to work at all? 

Thank Goddess I chose to start my shopping rather early this year. I mean really early! Since every year it gets harder and harder to pick out gifts for our family members (most of them just purchase what they want or need when they wish to), I have learned that it works much better for me to pick up items throughout the year as I come across them ~ wherever they may be from ... malls, cool stores, antique shops and even flea markets!

"Holidaze (scuze me, I got gifts to buy)"

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Morning Smile!

The old, run-down tree, dubbed "The Charlie Brown Christmas Tree," adorning our downtown Reading, PA city hall which gained National notoriety this year. Please click on this link to view the new decorated version and lighting ceremony.
