Saturday, December 31, 2016

This and That & A Happy New Year ALL!!

Well my friends, it looks like we have come to the end of yet another year. Now it is time to look forward to a new year (and hopefully, speaking for myself, a much better one).

However, I would like to share a couple of things with all of you from this past Yule. First of all, I had received the most beautiful mermaid light from my good friend and cat sitter, Judy ... :)

And, of course, I simply must share a couple of pics from the cats Yule as well ...

Also as most of you already know, this past April I asked my long time Pagan friend and wonderful acquaintance, Dark Elf, to help co-write this blog with me (to read more about Dark Elf, please click on this post link). Since he is currently living in Greece, I had decided to mail him his Yule gifts this year. Here are some pics I took while he was opening up his box of gifts. I sent him a Bastet statue along with some cool candles and candle holders ...

I must say that this has been a rather difficult year for me between family health issues and such. But, one of the best parts of my year was when Dark Elf agreed to join me. I am very grateful to have him in my life. He is an extraordinary individual and I am so very blessed to have him in my life for so many years. I have always believed that people are brought into our lives for a reason, although that reason is not always obvious to us at first. I am extremely thankful for ALL of you and from both Dark Elf and myself we sincerely wish everyone a wonderful and blessed New Year!


  1. Kim my dear friend, and Dark Elf, thank you!

    Kim, I wish you both the same, including you and yours in this year to come.

  2. Kim, thank you for being you! You are a very special person to me! Wishing you and Dark Elf many blessings for 2017!!! Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you. I wish you a blessed year 2017 as well. :)

  3. Friendly looking kitties.

    Coffee is on
