Thursday, September 07, 2017

Practicing Protection Magick: Freezer Spell

Many years ago, my High Priestess friend and Reiki Master, taught me a very useful protection spell, which incidentally, my spiritual consultant also suggested I perform it as well. It is as follows:

Freezer spells are used to silence someone and freeze them out of your life. Use this spell only against people who are harming you so that they will be frozen out of your world for good. This spell is some serious defensive magic.  

1. Choose the container: This can be as simple as a ziplock bag or an empty water bottle.

2. Prepare the totem: The best choice is a photograph of the person, but failing that, you can simply write their name on a card or draw an image of their likeness. Ideally, a strand of their hair or an object they’ve touched, or even their personal signature written in their own hand.

3. Add water (for extra potency, you may add a pinch of red pepper)
4. Seal & freeze 

5. Finally, place the container in the freezer and watch your magick work. 

Once the spell is complete, you have a few options. 
If your enemy has been successfully cut out of your life and you have no reason to ever fear them again, then you can just unceremoniously toss the spell out with the trash, since they probably don’t deserve much of your energy.  Or, you may bury the bag or container in the ground.


  1. A very handy spell to know Kim...thank you.
    It harms none physically or mentally, which is what I love about the Wiccan religion. It just helps the one who needs it :)

    Hugs and Blessings, Dear Kim

    1. Many thanks, dear Jan! I have always felt the very same way about the Wiccan religion. I suppose it is equivalent to the old rule of, "What comes around, goes around", and "Always treat others the same way you would wish to be treated."

      Blessings ~ Kim

  2. An efficient and effective metaphor in the process of discharging a caustic or toxic association. There is a similar parallel in poetry. The emotional charge is minimized or rendered inert --contained in frozen water, or a poem. I learn here. Thanks.

    1. Thank you, Geo. I am so happy to have you here!

  3. I have to admit, I did this spell a few years back and I am the one that became frozen. I don't think I was in the right frame of mind, if that makes sense? You truly have to do everything, with a good heart behind it! I hope everything is working out for you Kim! Thinking of you! Big Hugs!

    1. Stacy, you are right. Our intent is always a huge factor and we must all be in the right frame of mind. Well said.

      Thank you and big hugs to you, too!
