Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Decorating for Yule ...

As planned, I spent the entire day on Black Friday decorating the house with Yule and winter treasures. My mom even helped me this year ...

Remind you guys of "someone"? ...

... Lady Tabitha, of course

My Gingerbread cats 

My handmade Yule wreath

My mom's original (vintage) glass Christmas tree balls in their original boxes from when I was a little kid. She recently handed them down to me after she found them in her attic last weekend ...

An old Polaroid pic of my mom's glass balls which adorned her (now vintage) Christmas tree as it looked in my parents 2nd floor apartment living room in Robesonia, PA.
Christmas morning circa 1968 (yup, that's me with the "little Dutch boy" hairdo) ... ahh, the memories -  lol


  1. How cool is that ornament of your kitty! did you make it or did you find it? that's always fun, we recently found a pillow that looks just like my little girl's puppy, it's so weird!
    gingerbread cats! how adorable!!
    I love your ice skating bunny and the yule wreath you made.
    you have a lot of cute decorations.
    How nice of your mom to pass down the ornaments, those are great..I know people search high and low for that style.

    aww, you look precious.
    Thank you for sharing pictures of your cozy home.

    1. Thanks, Marfi! Actually, the cat ornament was a gift from my aunt from many years before I found my cat Tabitha, but it really does look like her, doesn't it?

      I love old vintage decorations and my mom's are so old, some of them are in pretty good shape, some not so much. Either way, I will treasure them always.

      Have a blessed day!

  2. I enjoyed looking at your decorations. I decorated an ice skate one year instead of a wreath for the front door. The cat ornamenent on the tree does look like your cat. The black cat asking for treats made me smile and the gingerbread cats are adorable.

    So cool your mom gave you the vintage ornaments. We had a similar silver tinsel tree only smaller. Ma had it on top of the coffee table. She also had 3 doz. of the same fuschia and silver balls. In 1965, she re-did the livingroom in white and gold. A white tree with gold balls. You look so cute with your pixie hair-do

    1. Thanks, CJ! My mom gave me a lot of her old holiday decorations. I just love them all!

      Loved your recent post about your tree and "camouflage" jacket. Such a cute pic of you!

      Have a terrific weekend!!

  3. Everything looks great - I want to come see it in person! :)

    1. I can't wait for you to come visit, too, seester!! <3

  4. So special you got the vintage glass ornaments passed down to you! Wow, I love them! Love the picture of your parent's tree and you are too cute with that hair cut!!
    I love all your decorations Kim! Everything is looking wonderful! That ornament does look like Lady Tabitha!!
    Big Hugs!!

    1. Thanks Stacy! It is a lot of work but well worth it I think.
