Saturday, December 02, 2017

Memories are Made of This

Among the wonderful memories I have from when I was a child growing up at Christmas time is reading the classic "The Night Before Christmas" book to my brother on Christmas eve just before bedtime. Funny thing is, my brother and I fought like cats and dogs pretty much the rest of the year as little kids, but for some strange reason, I felt the need to share this with my one and only sibling who was three years my junior. I still have this book to this very day. I keep it stored up in my attic along with the rest of my boxes of decorations ... 

Does anyone remember these little items growing up? My mom's electric window Christmas lights she displayed (and still does) every year ...

Colored rotating light disk used in addition to a silver or white artificial Christmas tree. Both my mom and my grandmother put theirs out every year in their living room located next to the television ...

Speaking of fun, another one of my fondest memories of my 'Christmas's of old' is from when I was part of a drum and twirling corp called, "The Boutiques of Berks County." Long before my high school band days, I was extremely involved with this group for 10 years and each and every year we held an annual Christmas party at one of our local township hall buildings. The following pics were taken by my mom while I was performing in the shows over the years. I am pictured on the far left in all of them ...  :)

"Sleigh Ride" routine circa 1973

"Jingling Brass" routine from 1982

I may be 53 years old now, but these memories still, and always will, put a huge smile on my face!


  1. One of my fondest memories of Christmas was the year we had potato soup for Christmas dinner. We were all in varying states of recovery from the flu. Mom didn't feel like cooking and Dad didn't feel like eating. Potato Soup; yum, yum!

  2. The rotating light and window candelabras was a big part of my Christmas growing up. You look cute in your sleigh ride outfit.

  3. I remember reading the story every year too, it was in a little golden book.
    my aunt had the candles in the window ..but I've never seen the color disk, does it color the white or silver tree?
    I was never any good at twirling, looks like it was fun:)

  4. Great post Kim!! I love reading about all your memories! Cool vintage Christmas decorations. We never had the candles or rotating light. I would like to now! LOL! Love the pictures of you on stage! Big Hugs!
