Friday, November 24, 2017

The day after ... otherwise known as Black Friday

Happy Friday ... "Black Friday", that is, and as is my personal tradition I never go out of the house on the day after Thanksgiving. Instead, I prefer the use this day to take down all of my fall and Samhain decorations. I switch up the "Halloween Tree" ornaments with the Yule and winter solstice ones and throughout the day I also clean my house.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I hope that everyone had a lovely holiday spent with family and friends. I spent mine with extended family and enjoying a wonderful homemade traditional dinner of turkey, ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and filling, corn, gravy, and a whole slue of delicious pies and desserts. 

Here are a few little pics I took from yesterday's gathering.

My mom and her fur baby, her poodle Brandi

My cousin's beautiful offspring, Weston and his sister Ava ~ really awesome kids .. and growing up so fast!

Ava with my cousin's house kitty, Jack

After dinner, the kids and I decided to play with Jack downstairs ..

Peek a boo!!!
Relaxing in the living room chatting it up while watching some movies.

It was a typical gorgeous fall day, brisk but the sun was shining and the weather could not have been more beautiful. Now, it is time to get to work and decorate the house for Yule ... and it looks like it is going to be yet another lovely fall day today.

Enjoy your weekend, my friends!


  1. I went out once with a friend to shop on Black Friday. We went mid-morning. It took an hour to get to the outlet mall. Another hour to get into the parking lot. We got the last parking space which was located in Nebraska. She wanted to find some things at The Gap for her daughter. The line out of the store was nearly as long as the line to get into the parking lot. The store was so full of people, per the fire martial, the police were there and would let only so many people in at a time. By the time we got in, the store was so crowded you couldn't. And the only items left were fugly, (very ugly =^,.^=) and size super large. Never again.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. I love Jack. He reminds me of Ink. Ink loved to play peek-a-boo.

    Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend.

  2. Grin - It is a tradition in my family to never go anywhere retail during Thanksgiving weekend. We are still feasting at the in-laws, outlaws or when whomever with the weirdest work schedule can be participate. Usually that's the truck drivers in the family.

    Looks like a good time was had by all yesterday, including Jack!

  3. I'm so happy you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    We went out that Friday but not in the morning!
    Love the furry cute!
    Have a great day:)

  4. So happy you had a great day! Love the pictures Kim! I love Jack! What a cutey! Big Hugs!
