Sunday, July 29, 2018

What's new?

Lately, I have been trying to pic out the "more healthier, less fattening" snacks from the grocery store. I just bought some other whipped yogurt flavors - Strawberry Cheesecake & chocolate flavors as I can no longer seem to find the Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies flavor that was available before. Perhaps that was just a limited supply? I also love the Outshine Fruit products (Strawberry & Watermelon), and I just started drinking the Core Fruit Infused Beverages. Delicious! 

In the meantime, we are still having the nasty thunder and rain storms here and they are calling for more of the same all of next week, too. So far, we have been lucky where I live, but other areas/counties in PA have not been so fortunate. Keeping our fingers crossed!

Of course we could not enjoy the Blood Moon on Friday night due to the cloudy, rainy weather. I was planning on taking a couple of pics of it because it was supposed to be the longest total lunar eclipse Blood Moon this century, until the next one in the year 2123. Oh well, I am sure some pics will be posted on some of the other blogs I follow. 

Yesterday, my sister Robin and I enjoyed one of our "sister time" days. We spent the entire day frequenting our favorite shops looking for some good end of the summer sales. We found a few good ones, too!

Some new magazines at "Barnes & Noble Book Store" ...

Small cat handbag from "Charming Charlie" ...

Some handmade scented candles at "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" ...

A Birthday Moon Phase necklace at a lovely store called "Dandelion" ...

And finally a new item for this year's Samhain ritual ...

My sister Robin and my baby boy Merlin.
Robin's sweet kitty, Pumpkin 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Fun Friday!

Yesterday, my friend Deb had a day off from work and suggested we spend the day together having some fun. So, along with her adorable grandson, J.J. we started out late morning and we all had a great day!

Deb 'n' J.J. This kid is the best behaved child I think I have ever seen. He hardly ever fusses, he eats very well, sleeps through the night, and ALWAYS smiles all the time! He is a very happy baby and grandma Deb simply loves him to the moon and back.

First, we headed to the local Dollar Tree Store to pick up a few little items. I bought a pack of blank sunflower cards and these chimes ...

Then on we drove to the Park City Mall in Lancaster, PA. This is a pretty large mall with all kinds of cool stores in it! Most of which we do not have closer to home at our own local malls. We decided to have lunch at the T.G.I. Fridays Restaurant located in the mall ...

We each had a Strawberry Iced Tea with cut strawberries in it.

We also split four Cheeseburger Sliders & Soft Pretzel Sticks.

Mermaid Statue for my bathroom on sale at Boscov's.

These nice short-sleeved tops where on sale at JC Penny. I never thought I would ever be able to get into these sizes ever again ... 

We also found some neat products at one of the beauty stores ... a large circular styling brush, some colored mascara and eyeliners and the like. Deb loves to buy most of her clothing at the American Eagle Store and bought some items there as well. The blue top she is wearing in these pics is one of them she got there.


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Looking Forward to Lugh!

(Originally posted on July 28, 2012)

...Upon a singing Summer day,
At dawn on Lammastide
I saw the Craftsman smiling
On sunbeams he did ride
He brings us light and knowledge,
To help our fellow men
He sang, “Blessed Be and Blessed Be
And Blessed Be again!”
~ Joe Bethancourt

One of the reasons I love the sabbat of Lughnasadh so much is because it marks the downslope of summer and the very beginnng of my favorite season ~ fall! Lughnasadh, also known to some as Lammas, is essentially the first harvest of the year, followed by Mabon/Autumn Equinox the second harvest, and then finally Samhain which is the third and last harvest of the year.  Samhain, by the way, is my favorite sabbat celebration!

While the word Lammas translates to "loaf mass," Lughnasadh literally means, "the chase of Lugh." Lugh is a Celtic sun deity whose name means "shinning one" and is a god of the hunt. He was a master of the spear and a skilled craftsman who was known as a legend in battle. It is also worth noting that his name, Lugh, is old Irish/Gaelic for the month of August.

With this year's summer being by far the most hot and humid we have had in a long time, the start of fall will be a most welcome change indeed!
(My sister Rhiannon and I - Lughnasadh 1998)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wordless Wednesday

>^^<      >^^<     >^^<     >^^<     >^^<     >^^<     >^^<

Leo waiting patiently at his catio window for his favorite nightly show to begin after dark ... "The Firefly Movie" ... 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
"Who? Us do anything wrong?"

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tuesday odds and ends ...

Well, today it poured down raining on and off all day and it is supposed to be the same for the remainder of the week here. Yuk!

My friend Kiki and I had plans to meet for our monthly girlfriend get-together dinner tonight for Taco Night at one of our local fire company social quarters, but she canceled due to the crappy weather. You see, she is a school bus driver and had to drive in the miserable rain all day so I can not say that I blame her for re-rescheduling our dinner date. And so it will have to wait until next week.

On the upside, we received our tickets yesterday afternoon to go see the comedian, Tim Hawkins in Maryland. It is kinda a funny story about that. Last week, my former co-worker who works part-time at a Chick-fil-A here, shared a video of Tim Hawkins singing his parody song of the same name to The Beatles, "Yesterday." It was so good, I just could not stop watching it! I showed it to my husband and my mom and they just could not stop laughing at this guy's songs (he has  a lot more parody songs on YouTube). Anyhow, we liked him so much that we bought tickets online to go see him in November ...

Monday, July 23, 2018

A Monday smile!

Good morning friends! Not much happening here today so I thought I would post a fun clip for you all. As you know, I went to see a rock concert last Saturday night and once again, serendipity stepped in! While we were watching the opening band for Weezer, I turned to my husband and said, "I would love to see the group Green Day opening up for these guys instead." So what happened? During the song, "Happy Together," Weezer began singing a Green Day song. And so it reminded me of a really good parody of another Green Day song, "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" sung by the talented comedian Tim Hawkins called, "The Wife Song (Things You Don't Say to Your Wife)." I just love this clip! Hilarious!! 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

This and That ... (Part 2)

Last night was an amazing night! It rained the entire day and into the evening, but we didn't care much at all because it was a great night of music and fun  - besides, we had overhead seats close to the stage so we didn't get wet during the show and we were able to get pretty descent photos too ...

We got home around 1 o'clock in the morning and I got up today at 9AM.  I must head to my mom's house soon and I will most probably fall asleep tonight before 8PM, but it was sooo well worth it!

Weezer sounded terrific and not only did they play their own hit songs in their set, but they also performed a few very well done cover tunes as well! They sang The Turtles, "Happy Together," "Longview" by Green Day, and the 80's group A-Ha's hit song, "Take on Me."

At one point during, the lead singer Rivers Cuomo donned a captain's uniform and road a scooter up and down the bleacher isles while singing "Island in the Sun" and totally got the crowd to participate. I expected them to be nothing less than thoroughly entertaining and these guys did not let us down! 

Have a great Sunday ALL!!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

This and That ... (Part 1)

Happy Saturday everyone! Yesterday, my friend Deb and I spent the day walking around having a fun time at the Green Dragon Farmers Market & Auction. As usual, I found some great bargains. 

One of them was a cute handcrafted cat food and water dish which I plan to put out in Sir Leo's catio ...

Some little handmade cat pillows for only $5.00 each. They can even be used as door stops ...

And this handmade crocheted choker necklace bought at the same stand where I got the cat pillows ... 

I love this comfortable, cool type of clothing and just had to buy these two pieces. An orange dress (I know it looks pinkish in the pic, but it is actually orange) ...

 and purple top.

And we ended our afternoon with new hair do's. I have been wanting to do this for quite sometime. What do you think of my new hair style, my friends?

This evening will be the Weezer concert in Camden, New Jersey. I am planning on posting a few pics tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough to get some good ones. Anyway, it should be fun!

Ahh yes, and just a couple of gratuitous kitty shots to help start off your day ...
Merlin really enjoying the handmade catnip toy I made.

And here is a pic of Sir Leo enjoying HIS favorite nighttime window.