Sunday, October 07, 2018

A Night with 'The Sluts'

A fun evening of music, dance, food, and friends! We all had a great time being entertained by The Fabulous Slut Brothers at Flanagan's Pub last night. It was packed as this band always draws such a huge crowd of people.

The owner of the pub, and our good friend of many years, Christopher Flanagan.
Me 'n' my friend, Deb.

Deb goofing around with her hubby Dave. She was pretending to give him a shot in the arm using my plastic red pen I brought to go with my Harley Quinn outfit. 😁

Birthday cupcakes shared with the rest of the patrons there by the husband whose wife had just beaten cancer. Very, very nice folks!

My sister Aurora Skye and her hubs Jim. I was so happy they could join us!

I shared a slice of Flanny's delicious Bailey's Irish Cream cheesecake with Deb for dessert.

Having a ball with our favorite awesome bartender and lovely friend, Meg who came out from behind the bar for a second to say 'hi' and give me a big hug - they just do not make 'em any better than this gal!

All in all, a night to remember for all! Enjoy your Sunday everyone!


  1. Looks like a real fun night. Mmm, that cupcake and the Bailey's Irish Cream cheesecake. Looks so delicious. Love how you share your good times with us.

  2. Looks like a fun time was had by all. That cheesecake looks awesome.

  3. What a great time! Loving all the pictures! That cheesecake looks so good!!! Big Hugs!

  4. Looks like you had a great time, really enjoyed seeing your pictures.

    All the best Jan
