Sunday, November 18, 2018

A song for Sunday ... and other stuff

Greetings, friends! There is not much happening here since the snow storm - been pretty sunny, cold, and calm and tomorrow they say it is back to rain again here. Yesterday, I went shopping with my mom for her yearly Boscov Days that is a three day long benefit in which both current and retired employees like my mom can enjoy a wonderful double discount (meaning she gets both her normal employee discount on top of any items already on sale). She uses her Boscov's card and charges everything on it for Christmas gifts and if I buy anything for myself or for my own gifts for others, I pay her whatever I owe of what she put on her card when we get home from shopping. This is a blessing, especially this year!

I also began (to keep my mind occupied) putting away some of my fall decorations and replacing them with a few winter/Yule stuff. I usually wait until Black Friday to do this as I never venture out in the insanity that is holiday shopping, but I needed to keep my mind busy lately. BTW, strangely enough, this is my horoscope for today:

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces zodiac Nov 18, 2018 -
Maintain your mental health-which is prerequisite for spiritual life. Mind is the gateway of life because everything whether it is good/bad comes through mind. It helps in solving life problems and endows one with requisite light. Avoid overspending and dubious financial schemes. Your domestic scene will be somewhat unpredictable. You are going to make your life worthy by giving pleasure and forgiving for past mistakes. Seminars and exhibitions will provide you with new knowledge and contacts. It is better to be thoughtful about your future than to worry about it. Therefore, do not waste your energy in worrying and draw a creative plan for your future.
Since we got our first snow fall of the year this past week, I thought that this song would fit the occasion pretty well. Enjoy your Sunday everyone!


  1. So nice you have good relationship with your mom. Still too early to bring out the Christmas decorations even though it looks very Christmasy outside my window. I begin decorating on 12/1

  2. That's great that your mom can help you out by saving you some much needed funds for Christmas.
    We have decorations for the outside finished but we don't turn them on until the 1st of December.
    We will begin decorating the inside of the house right after Thanksgiving. We always let Thanksgiving have its own day first.
    Your horoscope was right own!

    Hugs Dear Kim 💮🍁🍂

  3. Oh gosh, I am dying to start the Yule decor, but fighting it until after Thanksgiving. Family is coming for dinner and right now the most important thing is finishing up the floors, dusting for the umpteenth time, and laying the new rugs. Not a time to start a big transition, but the day after? That's another story.

  4. Kim, I truly believe when one worries that it prevails nothing, all it does is cause more suffering and can even make a person unwell, I should know, I've been down that road before to the point that one day I felt like I was whirling around in circles. Now when I get caught up in worry, my mind actually becomes blank as to what I was worrying about, because I refuse to let worry control my life anymore!

    I wish you much peace and happiness my friend!

    P.S. I enjoyed the music!

    1. Lon, I completely agree with you on everything you have said! Thank you for your kind, caring, and wise words. I wish you much peace and happiness as well, my friend!

      I am glad you enjoyed the music, too!

      Blessings, Kim

  5. We don't decorate for Christmas until December, although out and about in the shops it is very festive.

    Take care

    All the best Jan

  6. Kim, wishing you all the best! I truly am sending you peace and love!! Your horoscope was right on! Big Hugs!
