Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wreath Giveaway reminder ...

Greetings everyone! Just a quick reminder that the Spring Wreath Giveaway drawing is this Saturday, March 2nd. Thanks!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

My 55th Birthday weekend!

This was my 55th birthday weekend and my family and friends made it really special! On Saturday, my friends Kiki and Deb treated me to a birthday lunch at Applebees ...

My thoughtful gift from my lovely god-daughter, Kyli!

A gorgeous purplish-blue shaw and a gift certificate from my fav shop Celtic Myth & Moonlight from my Kiki-girl! 💟

After opening up my birthday gifts, the servers sang Happy Birthday to me and I had a brownie with chocolate syrup and a scoop of vanilla ice cream for dessert.


And today, my sister Aurora treated me to a very special birthday lunch at P.J.'s and then we went to our fav Barnes & Noble book store - after which we headed back to my place to open up my cool birthday gifts from her and we toasted with a delicious Angry Orchard beverage ...
An assortment of Yankee Candle tarts, a large jar of my fav scent Midsummer's Night, and a beautiful sister card! 💖

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

RIP Peter Tork

Rest in peace Peter, you will be missed! Now off to my birthday lunch with my friends. Catch you all later!!

Friday, February 22, 2019

Fun Friday!

Greetings, my dear friends and I hope this Friday finds you all doing well! The weather has warmed up here as predicted and, I totally agree with CJ on this one, I hope we are finally done with the nasty weather and freezing temps for this winter.

I love to work with my hands whether I am building something or crafting. Lately I have felt like being creative again and so I created something I have not done in a couple of years - I made two scrapbooks. I was at our local A.C. Moore Store on Monday and noticed that they were having a sale on scrapbooks. So, I decided to buy two - one for a book idea I have been wanting to work on for a while now and an extra. The new scrapbook I put together is a special one I created for Jimmy Page (with Mr. Jimmy Sakurai added to it as well). I used all of my leftover scrap booking decorations and stickers, etc., and some cool photos I collected ...

I used a musical note and dragon charms to add a special little touch. The dragon symbolizes Jimmy Page's iconic dragon outfit.

I ended up having more photos and things left over than I thought I would so I made yet another Page and Mr. Jimmy scrapbook. I organized it chronologically and placed quotes and things on the pages, etc. These books are loaded with all kinds of cool memorabilia. 👍
Akio "Mr. Jimmy" Sakurai tribute section ...

And lastly, my birthday is tomorrow and my friend Kiki is planning on treating me to a birthday lunch at Abblebee's. Deb will also be joining us. Then on Sunday, my sister Aurora and I are going to spend the day together. Can't wait! 

Have a great weekend everyone! I leave you all with this ... last video for awhile, I promise LOL! ENJOY!  💓

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Being a Witch

Being a Witch is something you are, and it’s a part of your everyday life. It’s not an alter ego you put on when the moon is full.

After all the revelations, mystical rituals, classes, there is a point where you need to run all the threads through your own life and make it your own. The first time you experience ritual or feel the presence of a Deity can be mind blowing. The next step is to make it part of your day to day life.

You wake up in the morning, put pants on, pour whiskey to the gods, or greet the sun (whatever your witchy thing is), say a daily devotion, go to work deal with your boss, run the kids to school, feed the animals, shop for groceries etc. etc. It’s not separate from your life. It weaves into the flow of your everyday life.

Source: Just Your Everyday Witch (Facebook page)

What's up?

Good day friends and happy Thursday! Well, we had a bit more snow mixed with sleet again yesterday, but now it is beginning to melt as the temps are in the mid to high 50's here today. This pic is from yesterday afternoon's little storm ...

For dinner last night, I cooked up some elbow macaroni to add to the leftover meatballs and sauce from a couple of evenings ago. I also made some chicken tender nuggets (with barbecue sauce) and mozzarella sticks (with marinara sauce) in the air fryer ... 😎

I had to drop off my car 'Dimples' (my hailstorm-dented car) and since there wasn't much else that I could do yesterday, I chilled with the critters ...