Sunday, February 03, 2019

Sunday odds and ends ...

Happy Sunday everyone! The sun is shining and the temperatures are rising a bit. I am planning on a fairly laid back day today just puttering around the house and picking up a couple of things at the grocery store for dinner later tonight. 

I thought I would share with you all a few more pics from yesterday's special day out with my sister ...

An extra pic out of focus from yesterday that we both thought was rather cool with its' sort of surreal effect. :)

Our special after ritual refreshments from Aurora Skye and her sweet hubby - some bottles of delicious Angry Orchard hard cider. YUMMY GOOD!

We did our usual sister-time shopping together and frequented our favorite places. I picked up these books at Barnes & Noble book store. Some of them were on clearance ...

(for my mom)

Found these items at Charming Charlie ...

And finally, we stopped at our local A.C. Moore and Michael's Arts & Craft stores where I bought these ...

Mermaid note pads and a large carry basket.

Well, that is about all for now. Have a great day, my friends! 


  1. Wonderful shopping trip. Love the mermaid goodies you found.

  2. I've had a few of angry orchards and liked them.
    Coffee is on

  3. Wow, did you have fun!! Love all the special goodies you got! Are you going to be crafting?? The books look great and so do the drinks! LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Stacy! Yup, I would like to begin crafting again very, very soon! I will post what new things I have created once I do. :)

      Love and blessings to you!!

  4. I do wonder if cake-and-wine should be prepared with that apple-drink instead of normal wine. Apples are the witch's fruit... :)

    1. Agreed ... many wiccans and pagans use that and/or some type of non-alcoholic beverage instead. :)
