Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday this and that

Blessed Sunday all! Yesterday morning, I went to my dentist for my six month check up. Got my teeth cleaned and no cavities - yay! And since it was so gorgeous outside here, I went for nice long walk after I got home.

But first, I stopped by our local TJ Maxx on the way home and picked up these little items - a lovely faerie statue, a couple of bottles of non-alcoholic sparkling apple cider, and some chocolate-covered sunflower seeds ... 💜💛💚💙

For dinner last night it was chicken cacciatore with rotini and Italian bread ...

Even had some leftovers ... 😁

Saturday, March 30, 2019

A quick Saturday post

Greetings friends! This morning I am off to a dentist appointment so this will only be a quick post for today. Besides, not much else happening this weekend for me. 😷
Sir Leo playing peekaboo underneath the sofa cover.

Last night, I tried out my new Power Air Fryer Oven and made a few chicken breasts in it for dinner. This is a bit bigger than the other air fryer. The oven version of this appliance makes a variety of tasty foods and desserts - it even came with a rotisserie and guide, recipes for dehydrating i.e. beef jerky for example, cook books, easy instructions for use, and a couple of other gadgets you can use with it. It actually has four cooking trays which you can place inside of it. And, you can bake all kinds of awesome treats in it as well - not just cakes and cookies!  👏

Sadly, the Payless Shoe Source Stores are going out of business here and they are trying to get rid of everything in their stores. I picked up a pair of sneakers and these two pretty dress shoes on Thursday ...
Anyone remember canvas shoes? I have not seen these in years!
A special CONGRATULATIONS to two awesome ladies - Ms. Emilia Clarke, the British-born actress who plays the character Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen ("The Mother of Dragons") on the HBO television series Game of Thrones due for its' 8th and final season next month, received the Britannia 2018 British Artist of the Year award.

And, to the amazing Stevie Nicks who has just made it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the second time - once in 1998 as a member of Fleetwood Mac and now as a solo artist!

Friday, March 29, 2019

Fun Friday!

Happy Friday friends!

I thought I would share with you a couple of my Egyptian statues which have adorned my altar room for quite a few years now. This one is Bastet (Bast) the cat goddess worshiped mainly by the people of the city Bubastis. Bastet was the ancient Egyptian goddess of protection, dance, fun, and cats. She was the warrior daughter and defender of Ra, who sent her to fight his archenemy Apep. She was worshiped at least since the Second Dynasty in Ancient Egypt.

My Bastet statue and incense stick holder.

And this one is Anubis - the Egyptian god of death and transition safely guiding the deceased into the underworld. Anubis was also the god of embalming of the dead. Since jackals were often seen in cemeteries, the ancient Egyptians believed that he watched over the dead. Anubis was the god who helped to embalm Osiris after he was killed by Seth.

Speaking of statues, yesterday I was poking around our local Boscov's Department Store and saw a sale on this beautiful Jim Shore figurine. It so reminded me of the goddess Brigit that I just had to get it for next year's altar.
 I also bought this little Jim Shore piece called "Bunny with a Carrot." What can I say? I am a big fan of the artist Jim Shore!

Last night's dinner - a thinly sliced sirloin steak with seasoned mashed potatoes.

This is a celestial design mold that I bought a couple of years ago because I was thinking about trying to learn how to make my own soaps and such, but I never did get around to it. Well, recently I decided to use it for another purpose - filling it up with water and making ice cubes with it instead.

Here is a closer look at the lovely shawl I bought on Saturday while out with my sister at Celtic Myth & Moonlight. It is made with crushed velvet with pretty little beads ...

The weather was so beautiful yesterday that I finally had a chance to go for one of my long walks again. It was in the 50's and sunny all day and it is supposed to be in the 60's here tomorrow and in the high 50's throughout the weekend as well. YAY!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Happy Throwback Thursday!

💓  Lady Tabitha through the years ... 💓

Tabitha playing with my beloved Mr. Midnight while he groomed her - the ONLY one of my fur babies that she has ever bonded with!

 )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(        )o(

On a completely unrelated subject, I simply felt the need to clear something up regarding the recent Ostara ritual pics - and any other ritual pics for that matter which are taken and are posted here on my blog. These photos are NOT actually taken during our ritual ceremonies as these are sacred celebrations and therefore I personally believe it disrespectful to take pics during our rituals. The photos which you see were taken either before or after ritual in order to share with you how I/we normally celebrate. And on that note, I wish to thank you all so much for following us here - we appreciate every one of you! 💗


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday odds and ends ...

Well, feed one lone homeless stray cat outside and before you know it, they are telling all of their friends about it ...

As you can see, we have acquired FOUR stray kitties who have been stopping by almost every night for the  past few weeks or so - two orange tabbies, a long-haired gray one, and there is also one with white and gray-striped patches on it. If I had the money, I would trap them in the have a heart trap and get them checked at our vet. No can do right now - and besides, we do not know if these cats have any illnesses, fleas, lice, etc. so we MUST be extremely careful not to handle them for the safety of our own fur babies. One can NEVER be too careful! In the meantime, we will do what we can for them - poor babies. 😟

Sir Leo surveys his house while watching the stray kitties eat outside of the garage door.

On Sunday afternoon, I went grocery shopping with my mom to buy food for this week's meals and I found some great new snacks in the refrigerated section - I bought three new Yoplait Whips flavors - Strawberry, Lemon Meringue, and Cherry Cheesecake. ALL delicious!  👏

Low fat, low calorie frozen yogurt bars. I love to snack on one of these after dinner if I get a craving for ice cream or something kinda sweet - I figure it is better for me at least than eating chocolate bars and other type of candy ...

And I also decided to try these new crisps and sweet sticks that I saw at a cool outlet store which my friend Deb and I visited not too long ago. These snacks are far better for you than candy and they are so yummy! I especially loved the Cheddar Rosemary - ate the entire box by myself!  I have not seen these in any other stores so far around here, but I most definitely would buy these again!
John Wm. Macy's Family Bakery

My mom and I really love grilled chicken sandwiches, so I cooked up a few thinly sliced breast patties for us both in the air fryer last night.

And of course, I saved a couple little pieces to share with one of the stray cats we have been feeding outside - she is very affectionate and we think she may be a "catch and release" kitty because she has a tipped left ear like our Tabitha did when we found her years back.