Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Throwback Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone! Those of you who have been following my blog for some time now already know that I used to sing in a band a few years back ... 

A rare photo of me singing at a karaoke - "All That Jazz" (from the musical "Chicago") Bebe Neuwirth style!

However, I am not the only one in my family drawn to music and performing. My brother has played the trumpet since he was about 10 years old and my cousin Sean has been singing both in local bands and various musicals since the '90s. He has sung in such shows as "West Side Story" (Tony), "Chess," "Jesus Christ Superstar" (Jesus"), "Sunday in the Park with George," "Secret Garden," just to name a few. The following pics were taken during a rehearsal for "Evita" when he played and sang the role of  antagonist and narrator Che Guevara. The bottom pic is of my brother playing in the pit for that same show. He is the one at the bottom right in the white shirt ...

"Oh What a Circus"
From Sean's "Evita" performance at Ephrata Playhouse in the Park show)
Of course, "Evita" has always been one of my all-time favorite musicals and Patti Lupone is THE BEST of all of them - an appropriately strong voice for a strong woman indeed IMO!! Oh yes, and Mandy Patinkin (Che) can sing to ME anytime - what a gorgeous voice that man STILL has!! Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

This and That

Butterscotch update: Yesterday we received some heart-breaking news. Long story short, our sweet Butterscotch's biopsy came back and his tumor was cancerous. Meaning, the cancer has very possibly spread in spite of the fact we had it removed last week. And, the vet told us that the type of cancerous tumor he had WILL come back and we will need to check him every week and if there is a lump on his leg, we must call the vet immediately! Furthermore, he said that this type of cancer is worse in dogs because dogs are more likely to get tumors than cats. He said that (and I quote) "It is very bad in dogs, but just bad in cats." Whatever the hell THAT is supposed to mean! He said that the only other option we have is for him to refer us to an oncologist who would more than likely put him on radiation therapy and chemo. I told him NO! I know for a FACT that cats do not take to chemo well - ever! I saw it personally! At any rate, I think one of the reasons it is so bad when cats get tumors is because in dogs it is more common but when a cat gets them it is (as the vet told me) "statistically speaking 80 percent of cats tumors are malignant." NEVER GOOD!!

Sir Leo and Ginger looking on ...

In other news, in spite of having to work last Sunday I had the rare opportunity to spend a few hours with my sister Aurora on Saturday ...

We enjoyed a dinner prepared by Chef Jesenia ... Marinara Chicken with garlic bread.

In other news, the "Curious on the Avenue" store is having a going out of business sale and I found this little treasure ...

And lastly, a very nice co-worker surprised me with a thoughtful gift - a cute tea pot and assorted organic tea packs ...

Anyhow, I have to work again this weekend. My mood for the past few weeks has pretty much been as follows in regards to life lately ... just sayin' ... BTW this meme was actually posted by an FB friend of mine of someone my sister and I know. Seems to fit my feeling at the current time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What's new

Greetings all, been a little while. Hope you are doing well. 

Today was Butterscotch's surgery with our vet. He had a few different procedures performed. He had six very bad teeth extracted, a teeth cleaning for the rest, a mass/tumor removed from his back left leg, and a biopsy will be done on it and we PRAY that it is not cancer! The whole thing scares the living hell out of me to tell you the truth. We will get the results back in about 10 days they told us. In the meantime, he has dis-solvable stitches and has to wear a cone around his neck for a week. They also gave him a long-term antibiotic shot and he has enough liquid pain meds for seven days. The vet gave us a syringe for each day with the measured amount of meds for him which is 0.5 ml. 

At the moment, he is being kept in the cats room in a large dog cage until he begins to heal. Naturally he is NOT thrilled with it, but he is such a good boy. The vet assistant told us that right after his surgery, he kept "chatting" with them - they said that is so not typical of a cat so soon afterwards. I told them that he was just telling them that he wanted to go home

I also wanted to reach out to everyone to let you know that I am aware that I apparently got hacked into or something making it near impossible to leave comments on my posts. Really pisses me off because I have been getting A LOT of piece of crap spammers who leave messages on my blog - and since I monitor my comments before posting them I noticed that I am plagued with them and simply at a real loss as to how to STOP THIS ISSUE due to these very annoying a rude-ass a-holes who think it is their right! I mean, you should see what nasty comments they are leaving in an attempt to try to sell me something  - SEX for one ... those are just offensive as HELL! Gimme a freaking break will ya!  I apologize for this, I am not at all a techie! I always delete them as SPAM, but it does absolutely no good and does not solve the problem at all.

Anyhow I will have to work this weekend - most likely the entire weekend leaving me pretty much no life what-so-ever these days anymore and with the amount of taxes taken out, so NOT worth the lousy extra pocket change - much rather have my time to get things done I need to do ... oh well, what can one do, right?

If time allows it, I will spend some time with my sister Aurora for a few hours. I miss her and my life! lol

Have a great weekend, my friends!

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Happy Fourth!

Yesterday, we ventured out for the first time in what feels like forever! We decided to go to the Green Dragon Flea Market - the weather was so ungodly hot and humid that we did not stay very long.  After that, we joined our friends Deb and Dave for dinner and drinks at the Beverly Hills Tavern where we ate outside on the deck (as most restaurants and bars are now doing at least opening up here finally) ...

It has been quite a while since I saw my friends to enjoy a day or evening out. Deb surprised me with a cute little mermaid tank top - yes it is no secret how much I adore mermaids. So, I gave her a couple of her birthday gifts a bit early because her birthday is not  until next month actually. She loves dragonflies and so I got her a mood ring dragonfly and a little Harley Davidson mason jar with white lights inside ...

We had steamed shrimp and chicken quesadillas ...

We stopped off at another venue we had not been to for months - The Station at Reinholds Inn ...

Then came the down pour of rain - LOL! This pic was taken on the deck right before it came down and forced us inside for a short time.

Wishing everyone a very safe and Happy Fourth of July!

Friday, July 03, 2020

A very short and sweet post

Yesterday I had my tooth extracted as scheduled - and boy, is my mouth really sore, but that is to be expected for the next couple of days or so. I was told it went well - luckily since it was abscessed I was given antibiotics a week earlier by my family dentist so the oral surgeon did not have to dispense them after my surgery. As he said to me, "they did their job."

So for the next few days I can only have certain things - juice, milk, yogurt, soups, eggs, custard, jello and the like ...

And, since I can only eat soft, room temperature foods and beverages I decided to use up the last three eggs in my refrigerator to bake a few German Chocolate cupcakes ...

As well as the cupcakes, I also have other good stuff on hand as, special thanks to Chef Jesenia, I will have homemade bacon potato soup and chicken fried rice as well for this weekend. She did have these delicious chocolate peanut butter cupcakes with mini Reese's cups on top of them on her menu this week which I partook in of course. I usually take pics of all of her goodies, but the cupcakes were so yummy they did not even make it home last evening. 

Next step? Who freaking knows? I can not afford an implant which truly does suck, so most likely a much cheaper solution which my dental insurance will at least cover some of. At any rate, I can not do a thing for the next 6-8 weeks until my gum heals. Then I guess I will have to make an appointment with my dentist to go over my extremely limited options. Did I ever mention that getting old really  stinks? Ah, but I digress ... lol