Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Enough said ....


It is as I have always said for many years now - the lesser of TWO evils. The government - neither Federal nor State should have the RIGHT to make decisions regarding a women's body or anyone else's for that matter - PERIOD! If your problem is your personal religious belief, then remember that the subject is BETWEEN GOD AND THE INDIVIDUAL. And just for the record, I do not believe that abortion should be used as a form of contraception (yes, I have heard that argument before as well). My own father loved me to the moon and back, but even he was very much pro-choice! AND, who is truly benefiting from FORCING a woman to have a child under any circumstance? The child? Hardly. There are enough abused children out there in this world. Taking women's rights away is not only wrong, but it just opened up a very dangerous door which will more than likely lead to more of our rights being stripped away from us - all of us! We just stepped back into the DARK AGES folks.

Okay, I have said my peace. My blog, my opinion so PLEASE NO DEBATES! Thank you!

Monday, June 27, 2022

The Mermaid Chronicles: The Merrow

The Merrow, or if you write it in Irish, Moruadh or Murrughach, from muir (sea) and oigh (a maid), is not uncommon they say on the wilder coasts. The fishermen do not like to see them for it always means coming gales.

The male Merrows (yes, they do exist depending upon which legends you read) usually have green teeth, green hair, pig's eyes, red noses, and duck-like scales between their fingers.

Sometimes they prefer good-looking fishermen to their sea lovers. Near Bantry in the last century, there is said to have been a woman covered all over with scales like a fish who was descended from such a marriage. Sometimes they come out of the sea and wander about the shore in the shape of little hornless cows. 

Whatever we choose to call them, the merrows are usually described as incredibly beautiful maidens with long green hair, and flat feet with webbed fingers and toes for better swimming. The merrows sing seductively, just like Greek sirens. However, unlike the sirens, the merrow don’t do this to tempt sailors to their doom. They’re not as malevolent as the sirens. Instead, they usually take sailors and fishermen to live with them underwater, entranced to love, follow, and obey the merrow’s every wish. 

(Reference: Mermaid.Net and https://symbolsage.com/the-merrow-mythology)

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Mermaid Chronicles: Dive into the Realm of Merfolk!

Who and what are the Merfolk? Merfolk are legendary water-dwelling human-like beings. They are attested in folklore and mythology throughout the ages in various parts of the world. Female merfolk may be referred to as mermaids, although in a strict sense mermaids are confined to beings who are half-woman and half-fish in appearance. Male merfolk are called mermen.

So, why do Merfolk appeal to us? This, of course, is the real question, isn't it? WHY are we so intrigued by Mermaids and Mermen? Merfolk appear in the mythology of every land and throughout history. Yet, people doubt their existence. "Mers" have a water-sensate appeal which may well go back to the emergence of the mammal from the sea. If we indeed came from the sea, the merfolk may be a sort of missing link between sea and land creatures. Even though we consider merfolk as myths, the half mammal-half fish form does appear in nature, as in seals which combine both sea and land characteristics. Furthermore, human blood is nearly half salt water and the human body is mainly fluid in content. Perhaps it is fair to say that we are, in fact, the first cousins of the legendary mers.

(Reference: Mermaid.Net)

The Mermaid Chronicles - The Sea Bar: Mermaid Spirits

The Sea Bar: Mermaid Spirits

Mermaid Water:
Blue Curacao - 20 ml.
Vodka - 20 ml.
Grapefruit juice - 20 ml.
Pineapple juice - 20 ml.
Lemon - 10 ml.
a splash of sprite

The Shipwreck:
8 oz. V-8 juice
1 oz. lime juice
Dash of salt and pepper
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
Dash Tabasco sauce
1 oz. vodka (optional)

Pour over ice into a lime and salt rimmed glass with one thin celery stick.

Sex on the Beach:
1 part vodka
1 part raspberry liqueur
1 part melon liqueur

1 1/2 oz. vodka
4 oz. cranberry juice
1 oz. grapefruit juice
1 wedge of lime

Seaside Punch:
2 quarts cranberry cocktail
1 quart orange juice
6 oz. citrus vodka
6 oz. Brandy
2 oz. lime juice

Combine all ingredients in a gallon marked container. Add enough ice to bring the volume up to one gallon. Stir and pour into a punch bowl. Garnish with orange and lime slices. Serves approximately 24 people.

Dry Mermaid Martini (Mertini?):
4 oz. Gin
1 oz. Cherry Brandy
2 lemon wedges

Swimming Pool:
1 scoop ice, crushed
1/4 oz. cream, sweet
3/4 oz. coconut cream
2 oz. pineapple juice
3/4 oz. vodka
1 1/2 oz. rum, light
1/4 oz.  Blue Curacao 

Blue Dolphin:
2 oz. Vermouth
1/2 oz. Blue Curacao
Dash Grenadine
Slice of lemon

To a tall glass full of ice, add vermouth and Blue Curacao then stir. Top up with lemonade. Add a drop of grenadine. Garish with lemon slice.

(Reference: Mermaid.Net: Where the sirens scream)

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Mermaid Chronicles: Mermaid Species

Are mermaids real? Oh yes, they are quite real. There are so many different types of mermaids the average human would be quite surprised. But, I as well was also surprised when I found so many of my kind on the internet. It seems like many artists, photographers, scientists, and mermaid enthusiasts were not to far from the truth when they spoke or drew about mermaids. Although this page will be referring to merfolk in general, the term "mermaid" will be mostly used to signify the entire species because if the majority of merfolk popularity revolves around the females.

This portion of The Mermaid's Lagoon will educate users about the different species of mermaid. This document is a brief outline of all the known mermaid species in the world. When the term "known" is used, this refers to all the previously documented, photographed, artistically rendered or witnessed species in the world, under the scientific name "Sirenius".

Asian (Haitian) Mermaid

Sirenius Hindusexei

Also referred to as the "Haitian" mermaid in eastern waters, this mermaid species has been seen in the southern  Caribbean sea, in and around Hawaii, and most of all in the far western Pacific and Northern Indian oceans, off the coast of Southern China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Northern India. This mermaid's origin is speculated to come from Asian/Polynesian descent due to the common facial features. Her nether portion is deep vibrant orange or golden red, with large visible scales all the way down to her two fluked tail. These mermaids do not have any vocal cords, but have a complex sign language based on tail and other body movements.

Butterfly Mermaid
Sirenius Pletfagigantus

The Butterfly mermaid is more temperate than other mermaids, living only off the coast of southern Japan in relatively cool waters. These mermaids are comprised entirely of females making them one of the first single-sex species, using the same sex couples to procreate. There have been many different sub-species including a catfish-like species so it has not been confirmed the exact number of differences there are. All mermaids have specific colored spots and patterns on both their nether and back area, indicating house and status. These mermaids are quite intelligent, but are ignorant to human civilization. They live and interact in village groups with the ruling mermaid wearing the proudest pattern.

Cagle Mermaid
Sirenius Cagliusii

The Cagle mermaid is similar to the Green mermaid, but because of more human characteristics the species has it's own genus. Some of their characteristics include human genitalia, the scale merging beginning below the thighs, and more human-like behavior patterns compared to others. Because of their great similarities to humans, males find them irresistible when encountered. Cagle mermaids like to adorn themselves with jewelry when found and love to taunt sailors and male swimmers while out at sea. Their tails are mostly green in color, but some teal and blue Cagles have been spotted. Found in almost all warm waters of the both oceans, they seem to be very prolific travelers - from being spotted off of the coast of Hawaii to areas the Great Barrier Reef. Discovered by artist Kurt Cagle, who has draw and photographed many of these mermaids.

Caribbean Mermaid
Sirenius Mammalius

One of the most exquisite species of them all, Caribbean mermaids are one of the most alluring, beautiful creatures in the world. As the name implies, these mermaids were first discovered in the Caribbean, but can be found as north as Cape Cod in north-eastern United States or as south as Venezuela. The most stunning characteristic is their dark vibrant red tail, usually patterned with golden streaks outlining the curvatures of the mermaid's pectoral and ventral fins and lower torso. These mermaids are known for their large two-fluked blackened tails, long blonde thick hair, and round firm large breasts. They can create breathable atmosphere for humans under water by ejecting special acids and fluids into a person's mouth via the lips. These mermaids are also known for their sexual allure and like to play and tempt males of their kind. Only recently they were exposed to mankind.

Fantail Mermaid
Sirenius Kaudlacolare

The Fantail mermaids consider themselves to be the royalty of the sea. Although they only occupy a fairly small amount of territory, just a few portions of the Great Barrier Reef, they present themselves as the highest and most intelligent species in the ocean. These are the most naΓ―ve of all mermaids, believing that they have the perfect society ruled by a single monarchy, the Queen, in their beautifully constructed coral castles. No human or any other merfolk has ever been very far into their territory - scuba divers are driven out by force or by seduction, whichever the mermaid guards wish. The male fantails are the minority, but only by a small percentage. Their society is based on female superiority. The origins of this species are unknown.

Freshwater Mermaid
Sirenius (Nympha) Pisciformosa

The Freshwater mermaid lives in the lakes and rivers of the British Isles, northern Europe and the Caspian Sea. Their known characteristics are silvery scaly tails, similar to salmon, and a dual fluked or veined caudal fin. It is said to have a talent for healing. Diseased fish are reputed to be very quickly healed merely by contact with its' skin. These mermaids are elusive enough to trick many by mimicking the color change and pallor of death. When the danger has passed, which has led to the belief that this species can rise from the dead. Unfortunately, these characteristics have rendered them desirable - the scales are highly prized amulets. These mermaids live separate from the males and only mate twice a year when they swim out of sea.

Green Mermaid
Sirenius Sirenius

Long hair, dazzling eyes, full round breasts, and the sudden transition from golden skin to green scales is the most common description of a typical mermaid. Known before as just a "mermaid", Green mermaids are probably the most widely known sirens seen throughout all the major bodies of water. There has been much decline in sightings of these mermaids, probably due to the fact of the industrialization of society over the last century. Green mermaids have a society similar to the human monarchy where the mermen (more commonly known as "tritons") have majority and control over the society. Many variations have been observed over the centuries - mermaids with long tails, transitional membranes, scaled fins, even some with two tails like the French mermaid Melusine. Many fairy tales and folklore are based on Green mermaids - probably the most famous one being Disney's "The Little Mermaid" Ariel.

Indo-Pacific (Skin) Mermaid
Sirenius Epidermius

"Skin" mermaids are nature's irony. The most human-like mermaids on the outside, yet the most unhuman-like on the inside. These mermaids are entirely covered with skin all the way down to their fluked tail. Indo-Pacific merfolk live where their name implies: Indian and Pacific oceans. These merfolk are quite commonly found in every part of the Pacific ocean and most of the Indian, producing conflict with other mermaid species - mostly the Fantail. The Indo-Pacific are the most intelligent mermaid species - having the largest brain size out of all merfolk, even larger than humans. This large cranium seems to indicate the presence of telepathy where merfolk can communicate over short distances with others. Skin mermaids are serious naturalists living as they always have without any inventions or technology, with only themselves and the sea. Their entire way of life is based around sexual exploration where a mermaid can give birth to up to 8 merfry in four months! It is surprising how much is known about this species because they are very shy and rarely surface.

Pearl Mermaid
Sirenius Perwoscentia (Delphinus)

Known as the "Pearl of the Sea", these mermaids are considered to be one of the most beautiful and wonderful creatures that live today. These quiet, subtle, passionate creatures live scattered among the Oceana, but have been spotted as north as Hawaii. These mermaids are recognized by their smooth, pearlish hue faded from their skin tone, and a smaller caudal fin. Fertile females protrude a darker ridge on their dorsal, which extended down to the tail. Violet colored variations have also been seen with a slightly larger more Delphine tail known under the subspecies Delphinus. Although no mermen have been seen, it has been observed that the females have a tendency to go out and explore the ocean - usually leaving their male companions in the deep. On rare occasions they have interacted with humans, but somehow photographer Jason Gold has managed to capture the greatest mermaid photos of all time from this species. 

(Reference: "The Mermaid's Lagoon")

Friday, June 24, 2022

Fun Friday!

Blessed Friday everyone! Earlier this week, I came across some very old articles about mermaids which I had forgotten I had found while searching the internet. Thankfully, I had printed them off back in 1998. I had printed lots of pages about mermaids so that I could read them when I had the time to do so. So, I placed them in a large binder and upon finding them again, I have decided to use them for a new post series for my blog, "Mermaid Tails & Dragon Treasures" titled "The Mermaid Chronicles" ...

The series will be published a segment at a time as it would be impossible to condense all the information I have collected. Among the articles which I will be sharing will be:

Mermaid Species
Mermaids Around the World
Mermaids in History
The Sea Bar (mermaid recipes)
Mermaids in Mythology
Mermaid Anatomy
and, much, much more!

Since I will not be working tomorrow, I will begin my blog project with the first post of the series going live tomorrow evening, I can't wait to start working on it! Granted, it will be A LOT of work which will take hours of time to complete, but it will be a labor of love!

Thursday, June 23, 2022

TBT: Midsummer Celebration

Memories of a Midsummer Past ...

With the beautiful sabbat of Beltane behind us, we can now look forward to the up-coming Midsummer or Litha to some. As well as essentially being the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year, this Wiccan holiday also represents the elaborate celebration of the creatures of the woodlands. Faeries, gnomes, and even our beloved furr babies are especially invited to join us in our circles and celebrations at this time of the year!

Pet blessings and protection spells are often performed during this sabbat ritual because it is the perfect time for them! I always make sure to hang my homemade God’s Eyes on every door and most particularly in the cat and rabbit's room ...

Here are a few pics from one of our Midsummer celebrations back a few years ago when my sister Willow and her hubby lived near by and we decided to get together at her home. Joining us inside the circle for some play time were her kitties Patchouli, Mystic, and Domino along with one of my cats at the time named Sabrina, and Willow's two dogs Amber and Cocoa ...

Mystic 'n' Patchouli
Willow's rescue cat, Domino, and Sean cuddling his fur baby Mystic.

Patchouli and my Maine Coon, Sabrina

Even though I usually hold my rituals downstairs in my Altar Room, this year I plan to bring my Midsummer celebration upstairs into the living room so that my "kids" can also be with me to enjoy themselves both during and after the ceremony!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Midsummer's Day ~ A poem

One year upon Midsummer’s day
I slept beneath an elder tree
And in my dream while I there dozed,
A faerie came to me
First tall then lithe, then short and stout
Then just like me was she
With pointed ears and gauzy wings
And then with none to see
A light of green surrounded her
I smelled her rosy scent
She spoke like silver bells a-ringing:
“Come see my land,” she said; I went!
Fiddlers played and pipers too
In rings of clover on the hills
I heard the drifting, lovely tune
And it overcame my will!
The faeries danced and ate and drank
As on their merriment they bent
I joined them in a circle dance
And danced till I was spent
When I awoke I was again
Beneath the stately tree
I looked around, but could not find
A one of all the sidhe
I’ve searched for all these many months
To find a Fae to take me back
But the magick of Midsummer,
It seems is what I lack
So I’ll be off to the Faerie lands
In June when the roses bloom
When I see clover rings on the hills afar
and I hear a drifting piping tune!
~ author unknown

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Blessed Midsummer

(Photo by Lady Caer Morganna)


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Art on the Avenue & A Very Special Birthday!

Blessed Sunday all! Yesterday, I had a VERY rare Saturday off from work and was fortunate enough to be able to celebrate my sister's 59th birthday with her. Technically, her birthday was last Sunday, but as time would allow it, we could only get together yesterday. 

The weather was gorgeous. After a week of horrid humidity, we had temps in the mid-70's and a nice continuous breeze the entire day! And so, we enjoyed the Annual Art on the Avenue event in West Reading ...

There were so many great sales. We stopped into "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" were I purchased these cool new items ...

Cat earrings ...

Two handmade votive candles ...

Along with a pretty crescent moon with a heart necklace at another vendor who sold hand-crafted jewelry ...

We had a nice lunch at "The West Reading Tavern" then stopped off at our local "Barnes & Noble" Store on the way home where I picked up this 'Game of Thrones' card game on clearance for only $5.00! ...

I had originally planned to bake her a birthday cake, but it FLOPPED horribly! So, I ran out and bought a double chocolate cake instead and added the cake decorations which I had already planned on using. I thought that I would surprise her with the numbers "3" and "9" rather than 59 and add the sign below. While at Michael's Arts & Crafts Store, I also saw a pack of really cool birthday candles that had colored flames ...

Make a wish!

Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention - I also bought a new cat toy for the fur babies. It is a handmade crescent moon catnip toy made with organic catnip - it was hit! ...