Thursday, January 19, 2023

Free at last! Free at last! Goddess Bastet, I am free at last!


Yesterday, we gave Teddy the last of his meds and were finally able to take his "cone of shame" off of him. I am sure that he is very happy about that. 

He will still have to be separated from the rest of the kitties until tomorrow (Friday) due to having to use the paper litter (Yesterday's News). 

He is eating well and drinking, playful and content. In fact, he has been having fun batting and chasing his cat toys around. Sir Leo began playing with one of his toy balls with a bell inside when Teddy ran up to him and they briefly sniffed noses  this morning ...

This weekend, we will continue our feline introductions one kitty at a time.


Just an aside, we received a phone call from our vet asking how Teddy is doing. They always call to check up on their patients which I do like. They also send a photo copy from the individual vet appointments so that we have documented records, care instructions, etc. 


  1. Teddy is such a beautiful kitty. I'm so glad that he's finally free and coneless. I hope that his introduction to your other kitties will be a success.
