Saturday, January 14, 2023

Teddy's Update

Blessed Saturday, friends! As promised, here is an update on Teddy's recovery. When we picked him up at the vets yesterday morning, they told us that he ate very little that morning and to try to feed him when we got him back home. We did just that and he ate his kitten chow like a good boy. Within the first half an hour that we settled him in his holding cage, he had already managed to get his cone off. We tied it a bit tighter this time and so far so good ...

They also sent three kinds of meds home and a list of care instructions for after his surgery. He is doing fairly well with taking his meds, too ...

My husband said that he calmed down pretty quickly after I left for work and THIS is the scene I came home to ... lol!

Daddy loving on our little fur baby ...

I am not doing much at all this weekend - I am on cat duty watching after Teddy. That is okay because there is nowhere I would rather be!


  1. Teddy looks adorable in his cone. I'm glad he's doing better. Love the pic of him watching television.

  2. Teddy looks so sweet in his cone attire, but hopefully he won't have to wear it very long. Bosco didn't have a cone when he was neutered (I don't know why). I'm glad Teddy's getting the care and affection that he deserves. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. Love the picture of Teddy watching TV :)
    Pleased he is doing better.

    All the best Jan
