Saturday, June 30, 2018

Some like it hot, but not me ...

Well my dear friends, it is Saturday and they say it is the beginning of a long, hot and humid next few days here! This morning I woke up and took my usual daily walk at 8:30 am and it was 71 degrees out. By the time I got back it was 80! It is supposed to get up to 95 today and 98 tomorrow up into next week. UH! 

The worst I can remember it being; however, was a few years ago it got up to 107 degrees in the middle of July and we had huge power outage for three straight days. Imagine, no air conditioning, no relief for THREE days? I felt so bad for my poor fur babies! I had to keep taking a cold bath to cool off my body and my husband slept in the car at night because he said it was cooler than our house was. It was so bad that Met Ed had to recruit some fellas from New Hampshire to come help get everyone in my neighborhoods' power restored. I walked out to thank them personally!!! 

I tell ya, the only thing this weather is good for is staying inside the house and cleaning all day. And so, I shall. Does that mean that I like the cold, snowy winter temps any better? Nope, but my theory has always been that you can always put more clothing on, but you can only take so much off! LOL! 

I also finally got around to coloring my hair the other night. Now all I have to do is get it cut ...

I usually color my own hair rather than go to a hair salon because I have eczema and can not use any of the permanent hair products, ONLY the wash out brands like Nutrisse by Garnier. 

Well, stay cool everyone and have a great day!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Memories of Midsummer past ...

Memories of a Midsummer Past ...

With the beautiful sabbat of Beltane behind us, we can now look forward to the up-coming Midsummer or Litha to some. As well as essentially being the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year, this Wiccan holiday also represents the elaborate celebration of the creatures of the woodlands. Faeries, gnomes, and even our beloved furr babies are especially invited to join us in our circles and celebrations at this time of the year!

Pet blessings and protection spells are often performed during this sabbat ritual because it is the perfect time for them! I always make sure to hang my homemade God’s Eyes on every door and most particularly in the cat and rabbit's room ...

Here are a few pics from one of our Midsummer celebrations back a few years ago when my sister Willow and her hubby lived near by and we decided to get together at her home. Joining us inside the circle for some play time were her kitties Patchouli, Mystic, and Domino along with one of my cats at the time named Sabrina, and Willow's two dogs Amber and Cocoa ...

Mystic 'n' Patchouli
Willow's rescue cat, Domino, and Sean cuddling his fur baby Mystic.

Patchouli and my Maine Coon, Sabrina

Even though I usually hold my rituals downstairs in my Altar Room, this year I plan to bring my Midsummer celebration upstairs into the living room so that my "kids" can also be with me to enjoy themselves both during and after the ceremony!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone, hope all is well! Yesterday, we took my mother-in-law out for an early dinner at our local Cracker Barrel to celebrate her birthday ...

My mom and my mother-in-law, Dawn.

Mom 'n' me.

I had a delicious unfiltered ginger ale soda in a frosted mug ... 100% ginger ale, natural cane sugar only, no extracts or oils, and no artificial preservatives.

I absolutely love the cool gift shop at Cracker Barrel and their clothing is simply lovely. I really like clothing with crochet in them and just had to get this blouse while I was there ...

Dawn's birthday flowers.

Dawn's puppy dog, Tulip relaxing in her favorite spot, Dawn's lap.

Tulip, the Cavalier King Charles

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday lazy Sunday ...

Well, it is another lazy Sunday and everyone is just chillin' out today ...

Merlin's new kitten collar

While I was out and about with my mom yesterday, I picked up an adult coloring book at A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts store. Now, I have been hearing about how relaxing it is from my sister Aurora so I thought I would give a try? Of course, I had to buy the mermaid coloring book ...

I also bought a really cool dragon t-shirt at Celtic Myth & Moonlight while I was there to drop off the donated books I promised the owner, Dot, last week.

I have to admit that I was rather surprised to find out how many people have apparently not seen the movie I talked about in yesterday's post. So, I will give you all a brief synopsis of it without giving away any spoiler alerts. The movie "Benny & Joon" is actually about a brother and sister who lost their parents in a house fire when they were just kids. Joon (played by Mary Stuart Masterson) is mentally ill and brother Benny (played by Aidan Quinn) has taken on the difficult responsibility of taking care of her while trying to run his garage business and job as an auto mechanic. 

One night, Benny takes Joon along with him to play poker at his friend Mike's house. When Joon loses a bet, Benny gains his friend's loony, off-the-wall cousin, Sam (as played by Johnny Depp). Sam agrees to become Joon's temporary care-giver while Benny is at work and the story pretty much takes off from there. I can not say much more without giving away any more of the story line. I will; however, say that it is a very touching (and entertaining) movie. The following video is from a song featured in the movie and is filled with some awesome scenes from it. Enjoy! 

Sam: "I'm Sam."
Benny: "So I hear. I'm Benny."
Sam: "With an 'n'?"
Benny: "Yea, two of 'em. This is Joon."
Joon: "One. You're out of your tree."
Sam: "It's not my tree."

Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Saturday Smile!

One of my all-time favorite Johnny Depp flicks is the movie, "Benny & Joon." But Johnny Depp is so talented. Not only can he act, but he is incredible at physical comedy and he is a decent musician as well. 

So, if you are a Johnny Depp fan like me, this little video clip from "Benny & Joon" is a must see! 

Benny & Joon - Johnny Depp Best Buster Keaton scenes ...

I also included a live performance of Johnny playing on stage with Marilyn Manson ...


Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday odds 'n' ends

Good morning everyone and Happy Friday! Yesterday, I chose to spend my Midsummer/Litha celebrating very simply. I spent some extra play time with my fur babies ... after all, it has always been a significant part of my summer sabbat celebration in devotion of the Lord & Lady's special children which they have blessed me with.  

My old digital camera was breaking down and had seen better days so my husband gave me his since he was planning on buying a new one that had a better zoom on it and could take much better aerial shots. His camera is practically brand new as he only bought it a few months ago and barely used it anyhow. Here are some pics I took with it yesterday ...

Lady Tabitha: Tabitha had her yearly check up at the vet on Wednesday afternoon and she has been put on a diet. She is supposed to weigh between 9 to 12 pounds which is considered normal for a female Norwegian Forest Cat, but she is currently at 15! We must measure her food intake and then gradually cut her food back within the next few weeks or so. She also is scheduled for a professional teeth cleaning in August.

Sir Leo chilling along side of Merlin's cage after their play time ...
Merlin and Leo playing together.

I then decided to take my new camera on my late morning walk and snapped a few pics on the way. I was hoping to get some pics of the little critters I see all the time, but I think it was too early for them, they usually make an appearance later on in the day ...

The corn crops are just beginning to grow all over the area in the fields. By the end of July, they will be taller the me ...

I am not sure what these are, but I call them little wild flowers ...

Little orange and yellow flowers ...

Dozens of purple flowers budding up all over the place ...

Tiny daisies
Dandelion flowers also grow everywhere around here!
These look like some kind of wild berries growing from out of the grass.

Walking back up the long hill and under the bridge to see more pretty purple wild flowers on the other side ... it was a nice 77 degrees, sunny and a beautiful day!

Well, that about does it for my first day of summer. How was yours?