Saturday, April 30, 2022

OUR Last Solar Eclipse

The last time in which we could view a Solar Eclipse in North America was in the year 2017.

"All that is now 
All that is gone 
All that's to come 
and everything under the sun is in tune, 
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon."
~ Pink Floyd ("Eclipse") 

"Well I hear you went up to Saratoga and your horse   naturally won
Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun."
                         ~ Carly Simon ("You're So Vein")

The pic from outside our house in the rather cloudy sky without using the glasses.

and, with the glasses ... what I vividly saw looked exactly like the pic second from the left which looked like a crescent 'sun'. Absolutely amazing to see!

So, when is the next total solar eclipse visible in North America?

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

TBT: Respecting The Three-fold Law

I find that when teaching students, the one question which naturally seems to arise is, “Is it okay to use magick to protect myself?” The answer to this question is yes! We may indeed use magick to protect ourselves from the physical or psychological harm of another; however, we have to be extremely careful as to make sure that we are carrying out the spell properly. Protection spells, most especially banishings, must be thought through very carefully! For example, we must be absolutely positive that we are banishing the negative energy resulting from a persons’ actions – NOT the person them self! Our intent always plays a huge factor in any type of magickal working and spells for protection are no exception. Should you decide to write your own protection spell, you will need to choose your words wisely. I can not stress this enough!

The Three-Fold Law teaches us that whatever we send out into the universe, be it “good” or “bad” energy,” will come back to us three-fold. While this fact is undeniably true, The Three-fold Law further states, “Lest in thy self defense it be, ever mind the Rule of Three!” In other words, even in situations where we feel the need to protect ourselves, we must continue to abide by the Law of Three. Those who choose to ignore this, run the risk of suffering the very serious consequences of their actions. It is absolutely imperative that we respect this “universal law” as it is not to be taken lightly and certainly nothing to fool with. I have seen these kinds of spells go terribly awry when not thought through carefully enough! 

As it is with everything in nature, there is a “delicate balance” between banishing the negative energy directed toward us and drawing the positive aspect of a new beginning into our lives. When performed correctly, these types of spells can be highly effective and, even more importantly, will not manifest themselves in a negative way. Personally, I have found that using one white votive candle (to represent pureness of spirit) and one black votive candle (for banishing negative energy) works extremely well. 

Allow me to share one of my true experiences using a protection spell. I once had a very nasty supervisor when I worked at one of my office jobs. This woman was so horrible to me that she actually had me in tears on several occasions. So, I made the decision to perform a banishing for protection - not on her physically, but of her negative energy/presence in my life! Two nights after the spell, I had a dream that my former supervisor had approached me at my desk before the start of work and had asked to speak to me in the conference room, I remember feeling terrified because the dream ended and I woke up before I knew "why" she wanted to speak to me. The very next day, I arrived at work and this very same supervisor actually DID come over to my desk and asked to speak to me in the conference room! It turned out that she wanted me to come back to her unit because she "needed me back." I was so relieved and happy! It would appear that the banishing spell had worked. 

The fact still remains; however, that nothing is ever 100% full-proof and protection spells should only be used when absolutely necessary. Perhaps it would be helpful for us to remember that old adage, “What goes around, comes around".

Blessed be!

Monday, April 25, 2022

What's up?

Is it Monday already?? Well anyway, it's been busy as usual here. Friday, I took a PTO day from work and spent time running around with my mom to the local Dollar Store where I picked up this cute little mermaid sign. I decided to hang on my bathroom door.

Then on Saturday, my sister and I attended a Pretzel and Beer Fest in West Reading, PA. All of the local stores were having sales. I bought this helpful new book at "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" ...

Along with these hand-crafted votive candles I intend to use for my Beltane ritual in May. And, this cool garden sign ...

We also stopped into "The Gem on Penn" and I picked up this tall candle for my Full Moon rituals.

Upright position: The Moon card refers to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability, developed within a womb of deep relaxation. Here we dream and go into trance, have visions and receive insights, wash in and out with the psychic tides, and experience deep mystical and/or terrifying realities beyond our ordinary senses. In a state of expanded consciousness, we cannot always control what happens. The Moon card represents the ultimate test of a soul's integrity, where the membrane between the self and the unknown is removed, and the drop of individuality re-enters the ocean of being. What transpires next is between a soul and its maker.

Reversed position: The Moon card reversed suggests that you might be deluding yourself, exaggerating or embellishing your version of a situation. Consider whether you are repeating an emotional, dramatic rendition of events rather than keeping to the bare facts.

The temptation to let yourself be swept away emotionally or psychically is understandable, but it doesn't help you find your balanced center in chaotic times.

As I had mentioned previously, I had a 5-Day job trial all last week for a position in another department. The idea of this is to have the opportunity to post out to another shift and/or department and basically find out if that job is a fit for you. As one of my co-workers stated, it is a "win-win" situation in that if you like the job you have the chance to stay in that department - if you do not like the job you still have your current job to go back to. 

The verdict: I decided to NOT take this job. For too many reasons to mention here. I will say this; however, the department was INSANLY fast-paced and the trainers were abrupt and rude! I guess it's true what they, "The grass isn't always greener on the other side."

If you have ever watched the tv show, "Monk". THIS is pretty much how I looked the entire crazy-ass week. I am used to having to wear blue coats and hair nets everyday in my own department, BUT I worked in what was called a "clean room" and had to wear a long white coat, hair net, and white booties. lol

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday odds and ends

 Greetings and salutations, friends! Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend. Sunday, our family gathered at my husband's cousin's home for a delicious ham and mashed potato dinner. I just had to snap a pic of my MIL's Cavalier King Charles, Tulip, and my husband's cousin's newly adopted Border Collie named "Spanky". . .

This week, I am working in another department for what is called a 5-Day Trial as part of a job bid for a first shift position. It is called the Packaging Department. At the end of the week, they evaluate how you did and if they think you would be a good fit. If so, you have the option to accept the job or decline. It has only been two days, so it is hard to say if I actually like it or think that I AM up to the challenge of learning a very 'in depth" job position. And, of course, my eye disability (amblyopia) will also come into play.

Tomorrow I am planning to meet my sister Aurora Skye for dinner after work. She works until 5PM and this week I work 6AM to 2PM. I have to admit, I really missed coming home early enough to enjoy the remainder of my day!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Mermaids, sweet mermaids!


Happy Saturday, all! With it being a holiday weekend, I decided to finally try and do a bit of baking using my new edible mermaid tails I picked up at our local Michael's Arts & Crafts Store. I baked a batch of confetti cupcakes which I plan to take along tomorrow for a family Easter dinner we were invited to. I also used some M&M's with seashells, starfish, and sea horses on them I bought this past week at "Cracker Barrel" ...

And, I baked two small vanilla cakes. The candy bits on top are actually fish-shaped.

Yesterday, one of my thoughtful co-workers surprised me with a small box of Lindt Chocolate Carrots and wished me a Happy Easter! ... 🐇

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, April 15, 2022

Expanding our Knowledge

My brother-in-law practiced the Kabbalah for many years and taught me a little bit about his faith. One of the things I remember distinctly, were the basic alchemical symbols which resonated deeply with me. The simple fact that they represent the four elements of fire, water, earth and air made a lot of sense to me. For example, take note how when these individual triangles are combined, they make  "The Seal of Solomon" also known as "The Star of David" in the traditional Jewish religion.





It is also interesting to note that not only was the six-pointed Jewish Star of David originally a Pagan symbol known as the Seal of Solomon, but the menorah, which is also associated with the Jewish religion, is often used by many Wiccans (myself included) during esbat (full moon) rituals. The main reason for this is because of the number "9" which has long been considered a magickal symbol.* The number 9 is the only digit which always comes back to itself. For example, 9 x 9 = 81; this sum broken down is 8 + 1 = 9; 9 x 5 = 45; 4 + 5 = 9, and so forth.

Although my faith is and always has been Wiccan, to me, one of the most beautiful things about Wicca is its' open-mindedness and willingness to learn from others. It is not solely a matter of education; however, it is also a case of appreciating each others' differences - whatever our heritage.

 *Reference taken from the book, "The Sabbats" by Edain McCoy.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Fun Friday!

HAPPY FRIDAY ALL! Well kids, it's been long overdue for a Bill's song pic of the week! ENJOY!

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

TBT: A Matter of Faith


As a Wiccan, I faithfully celebrate Ostara and the Spring Equinox. As a daughter; however, I still spend the Easter holidays, church aside, with my Christian family. There may be a few of my fellow Wiccans who might believe that in doing so, I am in conflict with my Wiccan beliefs. As I see it, I, myself, am not celebrating Easter - I am merely respecting the fact that my family does.  I love spending time with my family and friends and since that does not interfere in any way with the fact that I am Wiccan and celebrate the sabbat of Ostara, I certainly do not see any problem with it. 

For example, my husband is agnostic, but he has always respected my decision to be a Wiccan. Even though he does not actually participate in our circles and sabbat celebrations, he is still there with me and he helps me in any way he can.  He has always stood by me and supported me throughout these many years. The fact that he does not follow my own personal religious beliefs, does not mean that he can not be accepting of them.

As a Wiccan Priestess and teacher, I am also a strong advocate of religious tolerance, and as such, I truly believe in “practicing what I preach.” After all, it is a road which runs both ways.  It is important for us to remember that, ultimately, we all breathe the same air and we are all a part of the same universe – regardless of our various faiths and diverse religious beliefs.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Last Saturday, I published a post about a concert my husband and I attended of an awesome Pink Floyd tribute band from Great Britain called, "Brit Floyd".

I am a very much a fan of Pink Floyd's 70's style music while my husband prefers what they put out in the 80's and 90's. Towards the end of the show, Brit Floyd played some of Pink Floyd's very early music which was completely psychedelic. Now, coming from someone who appreciates the music of "The Doors," I did not at all like Pink Floyd's stuff. The song selections were obviously intended to be a tribute to Syd Barrett as well and the video clips they showed during those particular selections showed memories of Syd.

Syd Barrett was Pink Floyd's first singer and lead guitarist. He was very talented, an artist and, unfortunately, got addicted to dropping acid at the time when Pink Floyd was just beginning to make a name for themselves in the late 60's. Long story short, Syd's behavior became so erratic that not only did he begin singing and playing different songs in the middle of the the rest of the group performing in their live performances, but he could not be counted on even as much as to show up at the recording studio sessions. Enter David Gilmour. Gilmour was playing in another group at that time, but was hired to be a second (back up) lead guitarist and lead singer for Syd  - meaning that Gilmour had learned to play and sing every single song with  Pink Floyd live in a very short period of time.

It had gotten to the point where the rest of the group had to fire Syd and officially add David Gilmour to the group. In my opinion, Pink Floyd would not be PINK FLOYD and their successful musical career if it were not for Gilmour's talents changing the group's musical direction, After Syd's departure, the remaining members of Pink Floyd - including David Gilmour who also knew, performed with, and missed his friend Syd, had essentially written four songs about him - "Wish You Were Here." "Brain Damage",  "Comfortably Numb," and "Shine On You Crazy Diamond." Syd died in 2006 of pancreatic cancer at the age of 60. 

In any case, I found this cool video on Sunday while searching on YouTube and I thought that I would share it here ...

"... And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear, you shout but no one seems to hear. And when the band your in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon." ~ Roger Waters from Pink Floyd ("Brain Damage")

R.I.P, Syd Barrett.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Weekend happenings

Yesterday was very busy. I took a 1 in 4 day from work which I earned and we had to travel to Easton, PA to go check out a car for my husband's job. He travels A LOT and is on the road all day long so his company told him that if he gets a new car, they will reimburse him a percentage of what his car loan would be on a monthly basis. He needs an SUV because he must keep machine parts on hand while working on the road. This is the car he picked out and plans to pick up sometime this week ...

It's a 2022 Mazda CX5.

I saw an absolutely adorable Mazda sports car there as well that I just had to take a picture of ... 😍

Another reason I took my only 1 in 4 day was because we had tickets to go see "Brit Floyd" - a very popular Pink Floyd cover band from Great Britain. The concert was held at The Wind Creek Event Center in Easton. The venue is part of a mall full of outlets and has a casino as well ...

After we left the dealership, we had dinner at one of the restaurants at the mall called, "Steelworkers Canteen". A very nice woman offered to take a pic of my husband and I while waiting in line to be seated ...

My husband took these pics during the concert with his cell phone ...

My husband bought tickets TWO YEARS AGO, but the show was cancelled because of the covid bs and had been re-scheduled. The group began the show with the song, "Learning to Fly" and continued to sing and play for another two and a half hours. They sang an entire repertoire of Pink Floyd hits from their early psychedelic days to their later hits. They included a couple of songs from the album, "Dark Side of the Moon" i.e. the songs "Money" and "Time" - other songs they performed were "Wish You Were Here", "Comfortably Numb", and "Another Brick in the Wall". The only song which they did not perform was one of my fav's called, "Brain Damage/Eclipse". So, I decided to share a live video of Brit Floyd playing it in this post. I hope you enjoy!

All in all, well worth the wait!!