Sunday, June 28, 2020

My Prerogative ... so to speak

Well, we are apparently now in the GREEN phase of our prison sentence here in Berks County, PA. And to "celebrate" I decided to publish this post ...
Governor Wolf has made a real mess of things here! He has ignored the decision by the  higher courts of State Congress and the House of Senate to overturn his misguided decisions because he IS a dictator! And no one is going to tell HIM what to do even if it does and HAS taken away many peoples' livelihoods AND their jobs not to mention put the State of PA in even more financial troubles with the poor way he has handled things. Unemployment, etc. is very bad and I know many who have lost their jobs because of Wolf's poor judgement.

Mask or no mask - which by the way Wolf refuses to wear himself because his rules do not apply to him only US. So here is my response to our esteemed a-hole of a dictator named Governor Tom Wolf who so obviously likes to play his political games with all of our lives here in Pennsylvania ...

Saturday, June 27, 2020

What's new ...

Greetings and salutations all! Just a quick little post as I have to work the entire weekend so I will be pretty busy today and tomorrow trying to play catch up both at home and on my blog.

Next Thursday is the week of The Fourth of July and I will be having oral surgery on that day. But, since I have Friday off as my employer is  giving us the day before the Fourth as a paid holiday I will/should have some time to recuperate between that day and the weekend. 

We are still monitoring our cat Leo's glucose levels and emailing his results to our vet on a weekly basis. It seems as though as long as we continue to measure out his food intake, his levels usually go back to normal and we will hopefully not need to give him his insulin injections very often - or at the very least not on a daily basis! We are; however, having a lot of issues with trying to check his blood sugar every other day with the Alpha Trak Blood Meter because we have to stick the lancet into the outer ridge of his ear where there is a blood vessel. The problem is: a) it is so small we can not see it right and b) which usually means we are either sticking the lancet too far into his ear and we end up poking him straight through and hurting him. It does not exactly help the situation when you have to STICK your fur baby with a sharp object into his body then HEAR him cry because you screwed up! At any rate we do not know how much longer we can handle doing it and I refuse to do it long term!

And last, but not least, some goodies from Chef Jesenia's weekly menu ...

Turkey Lasagna Alfredo.

Babyback ribs with yellow rice.

Turkey Meatballs with sauteed onions, mashed potatoes and corn.

And, for dessert ...

Coconut Cream cake!

Until next time, I wish everyone a great weekend!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Blessed First Day of Summer (and other stuff) ...

and a ...

Greetings, friends and happy Sunday to you. Hope you are all doing well. Not much happening around here worth mentioning - just a couple of little things. First off, hubby knew I needed another watch and surprised me with this pretty piece he ordered online ...

Last week while my sister and I frequented one of the very few stores open yet here in PA, I found a cute little crochet dress at the Shady Maple Gift Shop ... 

About a month ago, I began crocheting again and started making a scarf. Last night, I finally  had a chance to finish it. I also crocheted a little bag to hold my small body lotions and such in with the leftover yarn ...

And last, but not least, I wish everyone a Blessed Father's Day to all dad's - whether still here or passed on. I miss my dad EACH AND EVERY DAY! 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Birthday celebrations!

This past weekend, we celebrated two family birthday's - my sister Aurora Skye's and my MIL's 80th birthday ...

Make a wish ...!

I took a PTO day on Friday to bake two special heart-shaped birthday cakes - one strawberry and one red velvet.


We took my MIL to dinner for her birthday to a place in West Reading called "Chatty Monks." ...

Then had some birthday cake after we returned home ...

Monday, June 08, 2020

Monday This and That ...

Greetings everyone. I've been pretty busy around here lately so I haven't been able to post as much as I would like to. We have had Leo back and forth to our vets - both Dr. Lila and Dr. Mike have been working, DILIGENTLY I might add, to help us figure out why Leo is having some type of seizures. The blood tests originally showed him with a very high glucose level and therefore diagnosed him to be diabetic. Dr. Mike immediately called in a prescription for him for insulin and syringes at our pharmacy. He has been put on a strict diet and we had to keep running him to the vet during the week to get his blood sugar checked. Both vets told us that his blood sugar is back to normal and to stop the insulin injections for the time being. We are to keep the insulin the refrigerator for six months in the event that Leo should ever need it again, but Dr. Mike said that Leo seems to have gone into remission and is currently no longer considered "diabetic" at this point.  

That is the good news. However, we are still not sure exactly what had been causing his seizures but we have been keeping an eye on him and for the past couple of days he has not appeared to have had the episodes that we have noticed. Fingers crossed. He will still need to continue his prescription diet for the rest of his life, but that is not a problem at all as he seems to be eating fairly well. And, per our vet's instructions, we also bought a Alpha Trak for cats and dogs so that we can check Leo's blood sugar at home from now on. 

In other news, my Victorian boots for my masquerade costume this year finally arrived in the mail this past week ... Leo decided to join me in the bottom pic ...

Also, we have been getting some bad thunder storms in our area here lately. One in particular this past week managed to knock down one of our trees in our back yard and it came within inches of our neighbor's shed ...
The neighbor's shed is on the right. These two pics were taken after we moved the tree.


Monday, June 01, 2020

Leo Update (revised)

Last week, we noticed that Leo was having what appeared to be some sort of seizures. He lost control of his muscles in his legs and staggered a bit then laid down on his side. Panicked, we immediately called our vet and they got him in on Saturday morning. They drew blood to perform tests and took some urine from him as well. They told us they found some glucose on his urine stick, but the test results would be back on Monday. So, I took a PTO day from work and waited for the call. This morning, Dr. Mike called us with the dreadful news that Leo has very bad diabetes and will need insulin shots twice a day and be given a special prescription food called DM (Diabetic Management). 

We had him back to the vet at 1:00pm this afternoon for the instructions on how to give him his meds. Prior, Dr. Mike called in Leo's meds and told us to keep it on ice and bring it along with us for his appointment. Since we can not give him his insulin until after he eats, we will be giving him his first injection at dinner time tonight. He will also need to be checked once a week until we could get his diabetes under control! 

I was so upset that I have been crying all day. With all that is going on, this was the last thing we needed to deal with! I felt as if someone just punched me in the stomach and knocked the wind right out of me. Dr. Mike told us that he is so bad that if we do not do this, he can and will "crash and burn" at any time! And yes, those are the exact words he used. This gave us no choice but to try - I mean, the only options we have are to either put him down so that he does not suffer OR not give him the meds that we truly CAN NOT afford right now and let him live out the rest of what is left of his life. WTH could we do?? We will see what happens from here. I am praying .... HARD!