We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Sunday, May 19, 2024

This and That

This week, my cremation heart-shaped locket finally arrived for my mom's ashes. It has her fingerprint etched into it ... 

Yesterday, my husband and I attended a special 60th Birthday celebration for my wonderful friend and co-worker, Miss Sonia. It was held about a quarter of a mile away from our house at a venue called, "The Fish Pond" near Blue Marsh Lake. There was delicious food, complimentary drinks, DJ's, and a great time was had by all. 

It was also Miss Sonia's granddaughter Ariana's 18th Birthday ...

Sonia's daughter, Shadae, who baked and created both of the birthday cakes (and owns her own cake business) flew in from Jamaica the night before to make the two birthday cakes. Aren't they simply BEAUTIFUL? ...

Miss Sonia looked GORGEOUS!!

There were many other of my fellow co-workers there as well ...
The lovely Ms. Myah!

Aydan, whom I have nicknamed "Sunshine" at work because his smile always makes me smile. 😀 
My co-worker Sue and her mother, Sarah.

Posing with my trainer and friend, Deb.



While at the party, we saw MANY stray kitties on the premises. It turns out that a nice couple set up shelters on the grounds behind the building and feed 30 HOMELESS CATS ... 
and, apparently, a raccoon named "Rocky" ...

And, finally, some chill pics of our own kitties ...


  1. What a lovely memento of your mother. The birthday celebrations looked like fun and those cakes are absolutely amazing. Cuddles and headbutts for all the kitties

  2. The cremation locket is such a treasure.
    Happy Birthday to Miss Sonia! The cakes are really gorgeous.
    Thanks to the couple who set up shelters for the homeless cats. If I lived closer I'd adopt some. When I lived in TX I was caring for about 25 cats when my neighbor moved and abandoned them.
