We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Odds and Ends

Greetings, friends (and whomever else happens to still be reading my blog anymore). Not much exciting is going on lately so I am just writing about little things. Next Saturday, I am finally going to get my hair cut after almost seven months. My hair grows fast and I can not wait to get it cut. For many years I refused to wear my hair short, but since I had gotten it cut a few years ago in order to look more appropriate (in my view anyhow it looked a lot more professional at my age) for job interviews, I found that I really liked it and I wanted to keep it short from now on.

Seven months ago ... 

Now ...

I love to play with colored mascaras mainly because they are a lot of fun. So I could not wait to try out ColourPop's BFF new color, "Swell Season" which is actually teal in color ...
"Swell Season"
I very seldom wear eye shadow anymore, but I really love their shimmer line so I also tried these two new shades ...
"Ladybird" .
"Roy G. Biv"

"Purple Prose" and "Pink, Inc."

"Blew Ya' Mind" (colbalt blue)
I have recently begun using L'Oreal Voluminous White Primer for my lashes. It not only helps to lengthen your lashes, but also brings out the color of the mascara you are using ... 

I also found another ColourPop shade which it would appear was discontinued at some point. It is called, "Sugar Pie" and I am dying to see what it looks like. I saw it on Ebay this weekend and ordered it. It was fairly cheap so I figured "why not" ...
"Sugar Pie"
Just a quick word about these Colourpop colored mascaras. They are pretty; however, you need to apply at least two coats in order to see, them on your lashes. But, they are quite affordable and you get more "bang for your buck" than with many of the other brands I have found. 

Yesterday, hubby went to Petsmart for some cat supplies and brought home a special little goody for me ... lol


  1. Since I turned 13 when my brother's hairdresser girlfriend cut my hair to look like the model, Twiggy, I have always worn my hair short. I was never a girly girl so didn't bother with hair and makeup. I don't wear much make-up. I used to wear eye shadow until I began wearing glasses. Now I wear a bit of blush and lip balm that is tinted. I think the lip balm is by Cover Girl. That is an adorable purrmaid.

  2. Robin commented via Facebook:

    Very cool! 😎

  3. Don't know much about make-up. The mascara/shadow look fun. I looked in the mirror the other day and thought....you look OLD. Maybe some make-up would help. I'd end up looking like Bette Davis in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" if I tried it. Things are scary enough around here! LOL! The purrmaid is cute!
    Paranormal John
