We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

An update on Charlie

On Monday morning, we took Charlie to his scheduled vet appointment at Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital for his examination and Fe-leuk test. His test came back negative and with the exception of his teeth needing to be cleaned in the near future and tapeworms, he had a clean bill of health! So, we had all of his vaccinations taken care of and dropped off a fecal sample for testing. We also were given medication for his tapeworms and will need to being him back for follow up next month for his second booster shots for rabies and Fel-leuk. 

On the way home, we stopped off at Pet Smart and picked up a new cat collar and name tag for him, too ...

Donning his new cat collar ...

Now that he has been to the vet for his check up, the next step is to bring him and the cage upstairs by the end of this week so that he and the other cats can get acclimated to one another. The vet gestimated him to be approximately seven years old.