We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Weekend Happenings

Blessed Saturday everyone! As I mentioned in my previous post, my husband and I went to see "Jersey Boys" at The Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre. It was the matinee so the buffet was at 11:30AM and the show was at 1PM. And what a FABULOUS SHOW IT WAS!!! We were not allowed to take pictures during the performance so all I could take were these pics ...

They had a cool little gift shop as well and when my hubby got up to go into the lobby before the show began, he came back with another little surprise gift for me - a lovely mermaid necklace and earring set. I also bought these little souvenirs ...

A two Autumn/Halloween battery operated wax candles.
And a shot glass.

Afterwards, we decided to have a wonderful dinner at Red Lobster - I treated!

A delicious specialty drink called, "Lobster Punch" topped with berries!.

Wearing my new mermaid necklace and earring set ...

Have a great rest of the weekend all!!


  1. That must have been wonderful to see that show live and then dinner out. No cooking! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. It truly was an awesome show! The cast received a well deserved standing ovation. ;-)

  2. I'm so glad that you had a wonderful relaxing weekend. The mermaid necklace is gorgeous and the food looks delicious (and the lobster punch). And the music is great!

    1. Thank you, Jon! The drink was so yummy I had TWO! lol
