We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Saturday, October 28, 2017

A new virus and a network disruption.

A new very dangerous virus is spreading in the East. Even Russian Airports were shut down by it. The virus is "Bad Rabbit" and it is a ransom virus. It stops your computer until you pay. I have reasons to believe this is the cause of some Facebook problems as well Google problems which has affected many blogs recently.


  1. Dark Elf - This is scary stuff! I hope they can fix this somehow?

    1. Everybody must MANUALLY update their antivirus now! No kidding, this thing can destroy their computer in no time.

  2. Since October 25th, I've had problems with Google Friend Connect. From what I've learned in their Help Forum, the problem has spread pretty much around the world. Do you think the "Bad Rabbit" virus and Google's GFC collapse might be related?

    1. If this thing can take out a whole airport IN RUSSIA, why not Google's servers? I believe they are. We shall see.

  3. Perhaps so, thanks for sharing!

  4. This is scary!!! Thanks for sharing Dark Elf!
