After much nail-biting and pacing the floors, we were able to bring our Sir Leo back home late this afternoon! The emergency vet nurse called us at 7:30am to update us on his progress and told us that the plan was to take out his cath at 2PM today, then check to make sure that he was able to urinate on his own before allowing him to be released from the hospital. So, we received a second call around 5PM and the news was good - the nurse informed us that Leo was able to urinate normally - and A LOT which they were very happy about - as for us, we were elated to hear this surprising news!
They gave him an antibiotic shot of convenia and sent a prescription home with him which is typically used for after cats are unblocked called "Prazosin." Prazosin is an oral medication that is often used along with other medications to treat and manage urethral obstructions in cats. A urethral obstruction happens when mucus, crystals, stones, or other debris forms a plug in a cat’s urethra—which is the exit path urine takes out of the bladder. When a plug forms, a cat is unable to urinate.
Next, we must touch base with our regular vet as to changing his prescription food, etc. as they suggested. In the meantime, the emergency vet will send Leo's medical treatment paperwork to our own vet. As you can see, Leo was VERY HAPPY to be back home with us again ...
Of course, we will need to keep a close watch on him so he will be "vacationing" in the catio for a fews days. I cleaned it up and gave him a fresh litter box with the scoopable cat litter so that we are able to SEE if he is urinating daily as he should be.
In other news, Friday marked my 2-year anniversary working at Alcon and they sent me an e-mail congratulating me ... 😐
And, a cool summer top that I ordered weeks ago arrived in the mail this past week ...

Also, my husband surprised me with a special little gift Thursday night when I arrived home from work. It was a Larimar sterling silver necklace and earring set ...

Larimar is the embodiment of the tranquil Sea and Sky energies. Its soft, soothing blues and calming turquoise is streaked with white patterns that resemble sunlight dancing beneath Caribbean waters. It brings the ancient wisdom of Atlantis and the healing power of dolphins to harmonize the body and soul. Larimar is a crystal of serenity, promoting relaxation in every aspect. Use as a worry stone, or place in the home or workplace to assure a pleasant atmosphere. Hold as you sit on the seashore, or gaze into the sea-like patterns of the stone, to reconnect with the ebbs and flows of your inner tides. As you sit in a bath surrounded by blue candles, use Larimar to connect with the healing powers of the dolphin through visualization or dolphin call music. Simply wearing Larimar creates a fundamental awareness of the “all-rightness” of the world.
Use Larimar to overcome fear of doctors, hospitals, injections or surgery. It promotes clear and confident communication with health personnel. As a crystal of the Throat Chakra, using Larimar in a pendant or laying-on-of-stones treatment will unleash the voice of one’s deepest wisdom. Singers may also find Larimar a wonderful talisman for enhancing and protecting the voice.
Thank you all for your kind words of compassion and support regarding our Leo - very much appreciated, friends! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend! 💜💚💙💛