We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

That was Carole King?

You know, I have been listening to the music of Carole King for as long as I can remember. She has been both a singer and a songwriter. She has written hit songs for several recording artists since the 1960's. One song which I would have never guessed in a million years was written by Carole King was a song called, "He Hit Me (and it felt like a Kiss)" as recorded by the female group, "The Crystals". The first time I heard it; however,  was when the group "Hole" covered it on their "MTV Unplugged" live session. As I recall, Courtney Love (the lead singer of the group) introduced the song by saying, "This is a really sick song that we cover. It was one of those Phil Spector songs and it was written by Carole King, which, you have to think ..."

"The Crystals"

"Hole" MTV Unplugged

Another one of her songs which became a hit after another artist recorded it was, "Pleasant Valley Sunday" by "The Monkees" ...

The Carole King's version of "Pleasant Valley Sunday" ...

"(You make me feel like a) Natural Woman" as recorded by artist Aretha Franklin ...
Carole King's version of that hit song ...

And still another hit written by Carole King was "You've Got a Friend" as recorded by James Taylor ...

Carole King's recorded version of "You've Got a Friend" on her hit album, "Tapestry" ...

 "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" recorded hit for "The Shirelles" ...

Carole King's version ...

Overall, King wrote and co-wrote 118 pop hits on the Billboard Hot 100 in the latter half of the 20th century, shaping the music that we listen to even today.

Further reading:



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