We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday songs


"Beautiful Sunday" - Daniel Boone

"Pleasant Valley Sunday" (live) - The Monkees

 "Sunday Morning" - Maroon 5

"Sunday Girl" (live) - Blondie
"Easy (like a Sunday morning)" - The Commodores

"Sunday Morning Coming Down" - Johnny Cash

 "Sunday Bloody Sunday" - U2

 "Best Sunday Dress" - Hole (Unplugged)



  1. Oh, the Monkees. I had such a crush on Davey Jones 😻

  2. Believe it or not, I'm not familiar with any of these Sunday songs ( where have I been?). Thanks for sharing them.
    Is the weather warming up? It was 40 degrees today....almost a heat wave.

    1. Hey there, Jon! Yes, today it is actually 41 degrees and sunny! A heatwave indeed! It amazes me how COLD it gets in TN!

      Stay warm!!

  3. My favorite song with a Sunday theme.... this song always brings back memories. I was away at college (freshman) and had fallen in love with someone (ah youth). We spent a weekend in southern Ohio at a cabin. It was in the autumn, and it was so beautiful. This song kept playing all that weekend and we both loved it. We kept singing it to each other. We both moved on, but the song remains such a nostalgic memory of my youth. Every time I hear it; I get misty eyed of that weekend of oh so long ago.

    1. Hi John! I tried the Youtube link you shared but I could not find it. Could you please tell me what the title of this song is? I would love to hear it! Thank you, my friend!

  4. Okay, I'm intrigued by John's song but couldn't find it either. I hope we get the title.

  5. So sorry that didn't show up. The song is: "Will You be Staying After Sunday" by Peppermint Rainbow. Let me know if you find it!
    Paranormal John
