We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Thank You, CJ!

Greetings all! Just a quick post for today. On Monday, we had some more snow ...

Last night I checked the mail after I had gotten home from work and saw a very special Christmas card from my blogger friend, CJ from her blog, CJ & Ink ...

She always writes out her envelopes with a personal touch - so beautiful! THANK YOU so much, CJ!! 😀



  1. We've got snow here in NE Ohio...a lot! Plus, these Arctic temps are not delightful. At least the sun is shining right now...deceiving! I love the cat with the 'too peopley outside'. Boy....can I relate!! Thankfully we're not dealing with those terrible LA fires. So, I won't complain (too much).
    Stay safe. Stay warm and give your kitties a hug for me!
    Paranormal John

  2. A very nice card from 'CJ'

    All the best Jan
