We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

Monday, January 20, 2025

The calm after the storm

Greetings, friends! Well, today was rather windy and in the low 20's BUT NOT snowing. My husband decided to take a vacation day (although he is still on call this entire week up and including this weekend) to dig our cars out of the snowy mess. The remainder of the week promises to be VERY cold. Par for the course so to speak ....

And now an update on Butterscotch. We received a call from our veterinarian this afternoon. She told us that Butterscotch's blood tests were normal for the most part save for his low urine concentration. She said that his urine is very diluted which is not considered normal for a cat. She suggested we either have a follow up done in a month so long as he keeps his food down or we can have an abdominal x-ray performed to make sure that the removal of his malignant cancerous tumor has not spread for any reason as Dr. Mike noted in Butterscotch's chart that he was unable to remove ALL of the surrounding tumor from his left leg. We have scheduled him for a follow-up on February 24th.   

Last weekend, I spent the afternoon with my sister Aurora Skye where I picked up these books at Barnes & Noble ...

This book was written by actor Kristian Nairn who played the character of Hodor in the HBO series, "Game of Thrones".

And, this interesting magazine on Stevie Nicks! ...

 " ... and the summer became the Fall. I was not ready for the Winter ..." ~ Stevie Nicks ("Nightbird")

Thank you to everyone for their prayers and good thoughts for Butterscotch!



  1. Our weather is the same as yours. 🥶At least it's not more snow. Stay warm.

  2. At least now you have more information on Butterscotch, and you can do whatever you need to do medically...further testing and treatments.
    The weather here in NE Ohio stinks. It's zero tonight on the patio with predicted wind chills tomorrow of -25 below. Oh hell no. It's at stay-at-home day, I think!
    Take care. Be safe....and give Butterscotch and the other kitties a hug for me. I miss my Eddie.
    Paranormal John

    1. Will do, John, and thank you! It is always so very heartbreaking when we lose a beloved member of our family. I am so sorry.

      Please stay safe and warm!!

  3. I hope Butterscotch's health will be improving - - and future tests will reveal good news. Unfortunately the worries seldom end....
    I haven't been to a Barnes and Noble bookstore in a long time. It's such a relaxing place to wander and enjoy.
    Cold weather continues here in TN. Near zero tonight!

    1. Thank you, Jon! We will definitely be keeping an eye on him. And you are so right, the worries seldom end!

      Take care and stay warm!!!
